Anonymous ID: ba0cc5 April 11, 2023, 5:41 a.m. No.18677173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7185 >>7227


>The term "incel" is to try to get people to have sex?

Incel is "Involuntary Celibate". You've been in a psyop since you were born. There's always been incels. There will always be incels. But now they are terming things to create new groups to fight each other and push ideologies to keep people divided. Nobody gives a shit if you find a mate and make kids; especially the people that say they want you to find a mate and make kids. People want to latch on to ideologies to pick sides in conflicts of conscience for perpetual grifts are only doing so for personal gain.



Hold up. Where'd you get that?

Anonymous ID: ba0cc5 April 11, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.18677328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Public policy boils down to which extremist party is in control of the levers of power over societal norms. Those people actively engage in convincing you to give them more power. Look at the TikTok bill for a prime example. Most people want to elect someone trustworthy, work their job, be left alone, and have gov't show up when there's a threat to their rights; ya know, how it's supposed to fucking work.


An overwhelming majority of people that are doing the above don't even know what an incel is, and the people pushing 24/7 threads on 4chan, twitter, reddit, and other platforms are actively engaging in a psyop against everyone that does. So there's this problem being created out of something that doesn't affect a majority of people, and while society should at least be aware of it, the fact is, most don't even have the time to care (if they are doing the above). For a lot of Gen Xrs, all this internet clique shit is just a reminder of how people were in High School, and remind their kids that internet isn't real world. Millennials and post millennials have no concept of a world where punching a bully in the nose (figuratively speaking) is an option. They don't have thick skin. So when the term incel is throw around like "faggot" used to be, yeah, they do one of a few things:

  1. Lean into it (MGTOW and other dumb fuck ideologies)

  2. Fuck prostitutes

  3. Engage in trashing women

  4. Shrug it off and don't give a fuck because there are other options


Conservatives rail against everything in 1-4 because in order to have their idealistic, picture-prefect functional society, 1-4 can't exist. They want to force men to engage with women to keep society going. Since there's an active psyop against men and women both (cranking up hypergamy in women, and bitterness in men) and nobody's telling the truth of the matter, people on the right are actually becoming like authoritarian socialists in turning to government to fix all their problems.


The truth of the matter is this. Recreational, gay, casual, and group sex in conjunction with birth control and abortions literally have no impact on you and your family and for the most part, your community. Banning the morning after pill really is a stupid fucking idea because now there are going to be much worse alternatives to people getting rid of unwanted pregnancies, and no matter how hard you try to force people to behave like good little soldiers, they aren't going to.


But conservatives absolutely have to gloat in their authoritative, morality-based platform to convince people they need to get on board with fixing society. It's compulsive Big-Brotherism, and they obsess over the idea that they can reign in "bad behavior" even if they have to use force to do so. So, they lean into anti-<everything I don't like is literally SATAN!ideas and push them 24/7, non stop. I'd never hear about trans shit if it weren't for conservatives. It's simply nowhere near as prevalent as the noise makes it out to be. Where it is prevalent, conservatives don't live. If someone pulled that shit in "townsville, wherever" there'd be pitchforks. Most normal people know this already. But you aren't going to fix a problem by railing against a few people who are being propped up by a psyop to get you emotionally engaged when you don't even live in the places where these problems are happening.