Just waiting for the evacuation orders from the fire dept…big forest fire heading in my direction.
Fort Dix/MaGuire area….crossing my fingers.
Just waiting for the evacuation orders from the fire dept…big forest fire heading in my direction.
Fort Dix/MaGuire area….crossing my fingers.
Thank you all for your concern….
Daughter just sent me this from down the street on the other side of a big lake…/worried.
we have all of our important documents already packed…everything else is replaceable…well, most of everything, if you know what I mean.
Sad thing is is I live in a wooded area…trees all around me.
I think I'll go out and spray down the house just like the Anon advised.
nothing more I can do other then fight fire with fire…no…bad move…kek…seriously…will have to depend on the professionals to do the dirty work.
Just talked to one of the firemen, he said they directed it away from us…let the rest of it burn for natures sake…so, we are in the clear for now. unless the fire starts heading back this way…not putting it out but directing it….lots of swamp land around where it is burning now…slow burn…not like California….whewww…thank god!!!!
Thanks for all the well wishes…god bless everyone…but, still not un-packing….not yet that is…
Thank you. o7
just trying to calm down…I don't know what is worse…the fire or my daughter freaking out about the fire…kek…whew…
1st pic is what I saw that sent me home to pack earlier..
2nd and 3rd pics what my daughters friends sent her…they live a lot closer to the fire.