you are right I did, and I don't repent in fact I double down. We are to hate what is Evil I see evil in religion, not God, not Jesus, but religion. When I am asking fucking questions and all I receive are brain dead christ cuck response to legitimate theories and ideas, you seek to stop TRUTH you do not seek to expand it, that is evil. You want your version of truth and assume it is that is not TRUTH. Now you are assuming I said things about victims and the past and tormentors, now you are projecting. Now If I said it, perhaps but pretty sure you are a retard looking for a you, you did earn it because you helped me solidify the ideas that what we seek to save may not even be what should be saved. SO have a great day nigger.
you mean like the current version of christianity, islam and judaism? So we should feel pity for those who engage and believe things that are quite possibly lies that are seeking to control those in systems that only perpetuate lies. That is sad. I realize that the so than, game is often interpreted by shills but extraction of thought based upon a amorphous statement is just begging to be questioned
Thank you for at the very least admitting you could be wrong. I SAY GOOD DAY SIR, fuck off you chose to reply. DeMoley was a victim. My question on that was what happened specifically to the templars/masons in the time from between him and the formation of the barvarian illuminati, but either you are ignoring what I said to project your own bias or you are retarded. I have anger yes, we should after all. Lies do that to people. When I know you are at the very least disingenuous in your argumentation, might get the cackles up. So yes you are wrong. I however know I am wrong and seek to discover what is right. I don't have the presuppositions, which is why I can be the fool.
first off NO, not going to leave you alone, this is amusing now. I did why because I consider you my enemy as simple as that. You come at me I come back. Simple even a retard could understand that. I know its a curse you think I do not understand the rules of magick. But you have yet to convince me you are anything but evil. So why not hold the mirror up and shine it back. If I am wrong which I could be but after my years in this, just don't care. Going to call out the bullshit when I see it. Have you never played call of duty, so you get shit when you throw shit. Don't be a faggot. I know this is a slide also, don't care anons do what they need to do, when I am doing work here I do what I need to do, right now I need to call out some questionable things that no one seems including you to be able to comprehend. Yes i realize if anons are reading this I know I am being a faggot and a tard. But, so what, we are in a war. So if you are legit take the apology, but i sincerely doubt you are. Even if you are misguided and stupid.
no you are not. let's see what happens.
don't care still responding. You could do that thing that should not be mentioned the F word? But that is frowned upon and even me suggesting it to some might be suspect. Do you really want to stop talking? I feel almost insulted after all I am providing for your family.
I know you provided sauce but you have to be fucking kidding me, in a place where they named a fucking drink after a terrorist act you gotta be fucking shitting me. AND on the anniversary of the day when the war ended. I don't know if this is funny or sad or a fucking set up at this point.
APmex also and I am not aware if its higher than others for the cut they get over the actual price looking at about 150 or so bucks more than cost if you get some silver eagles or something.
you are oldfag based on the memes alone.