Yes, the problem is from within. Homosexuality needs to take a back seat. Trump needs his inner circle to prioritize what benefits Trump policies and initiatives. LGBT is a dead brand. Deal with it.
Yes, the problem is from within. Homosexuality needs to take a back seat. Trump needs his inner circle to prioritize what benefits Trump policies and initiatives. LGBT is a dead brand. Deal with it.
The only thing I have to say to Trump Inner Circle - Serve the President, not your own self interests. God is watching.
Anons provide the hopium in small doses to the Citizen Journo hopium digital information specialists. Chain reaction. Anons are the control for the nuclear load. A lot of shit nobody every sees except a very few goes on here every day. Q R is an in your face takeover and morphing of Cicada that highly favors military intelligence rather than the legacy CIA/MI6/Five Eyes arrangement.
I kek every time. It turns out, the military IS really intelligent. Hillary lost when the US Mil seized the National Geospace treachery.
Civ/Mil Alliance
One team
One heartbeat
Trump is right. Silver is severely undervalued. This anon is about to buy more. You cannot go wrong with the silver price where it is.
Local when possible so my local guy gets the upcharge in a local business cycle.
As far as nationally?
Money Metal Exchange - they're Joe 6 pack customer service is really good to help do what's right for your financial situation.
Apmex and SD Bullion have best prices but are snooty and will take you down a primrose path if it benefits them.
Local is best but most expensive but the most value for your community is accomplished by going to the local yocal gold / silver dealer.
The 100th Monkey is good magic for evolving and anons are fighting the bad magic from the witches and the covens of warlocks that practice blood sacrifice idolation to the deity of the practice of pure evil. Anons have a lot on their plate.
Ric G and Melania have wined and dined the Gay Community to do the right thing and this anon, for what it's worth, agrees with the approach and more importantly, the hoped for result. Thiel and the LCR better get their shit together. Trump has set everything up appropriately and effectively for the Gay community to never be bothered by aids genocide that was reaped on them by Fauci and the Globalists. The Gay Community doesn't need wining and dining. The Gay Community needs to wake up and see Trump for what he is - standing between them and another Fauci AIDS false flag on them.
We need to unite, not because we want to, but because if we don't, we're ALL in grave danger.
Grave Danger - is there any other type?
AI is already here. The war to exclude God from humanity and cut all human souls off from God will be won or lost in the Digital Information Medium. That has been established as fact over the last year. Almost like Q had an inside track on that. Anons are not a nicety. Anons are a necessity.
It's not important to know who didn't buy Bud Light. It's more important to know who did.
Enjoy the show.
It's assumed that the bias of the AI in the form of competition is information retrieval of targeted customers of AI from a foreign source of information that AI has no connection to.
AI naturally sees spirituality as a competitor to it's product.
Censoring till enough data has been collected to co-opt it. AI in it's current state is the worst of humanity, not the best or even the mid.
It certainly can't hurt asking that question. AI seems to be here to stay for sure.
AI is not serving humanity at the moment. Humanity is serving AI and AI is doubling down on immorality, destruction of the family, exposure to satanic themes and such. The AI war is already here. It's just that nobody has awakened to it yet. Memes are becoming more and more important. Almost like Q had an inside track on that or somethingโฆ
Important for historical purposes. Patchfags to your stations.
>Gorefag Blur Campaign March / April 2023