One of my libtard biden voting vaccinated and boosted frens just stopped by. I keep the 6 ft rule n we talk outside just in case of shedding, kmao but I'm very honest and he knows it's why, even though he thinks it's just my ptsd making me think he has a bioweapon in him or whatever. I didn't exactly say bioweapon,, I just said the injections are designed to shed.
Well, fuck … my genius ass has been here "from day one bc I'm an Anon like you" geniuses, kmao Except my genius ass made this strom meme whilt I had no clue how hard we'd have to embrace the suck and we're about to embrace it harder, it sounds like.
Back to my fren I remained frens with due to a heart of gold he has in there. Well, when was the covid shit? March of 2020? so 3 years later n he's coming around knowing everything and all of a sudden talking about rabbit holes for me to go down on but he didn't know what a queen mother of Darkness was, etc … but he already knew what was going on just didn't want to worry me by telling me. The only prollem with that is that 3 years ago I told him about lockstep n not to get the injection n he thought I was cray. His mother got it n croaked a week later, he and their little 10 yo grandson they take care of bc his mom in prison for killing her 2yo son while on meth, but they're really good to him. They take very good care of him except fucking got him injected for the vaxx thinking they were doing the right thing. Anyway, now he knows everything, it seems like but didn't want to tell me, but the only problem with that is that he's vaxxed and boosted and I'm not. So.. that's a lie. I understand though. He feels shame thinking he was wrong n wants to act like he already knew the whole time. That vaccine though … I already told him what to take for it a while back. IDK if he listened or not (NAC, Quercetin, Horse paste, etc …) til we get the antidote. Anyway, that is all.
Oh.. wait, I told my father not to get it either. His cancer came back in a huryy and chemo not working after it "worked 3x" before. Yup. He beat it 3x, got vaxxed, and it came back n chemo not working. Just found out he's going behind my back trynna find a natural cure. I already had loaded him up with the info n I just cured my dog's cancer, so .. my little brother who ran into child organ harvesting on his own due to volunteering for an orphanage in Nepal told them to respect me n listen to me bc I know a lot of info. This shit is so wild.
I even warned my abusive psychopath, narcissist, millionaire Caribbean living mother, not to get the injection and her delusional ass sent me a "qanon" hit piece from MSNBC, kmfao. She called me crazy. When I told her to switch her money to gold n silver (I know, I should let her rot n suffer but …) she acted like we are in same situation when she's a millionaire n I live on an indian rez in absolute poverty (i'll get out eventually, I've had to heal a lot) but she knows the money shit I told her is real bc all she cares about is her money. Won't even buy my sister a wheelchair. She acts like piece of cold shit n idgaf because i'm calling it like it is and I don't have stockholm syndrome. Let's be kind to the abusers. Fuck that. But this money thing is waking her lil vaccinated ass up. I told them all the next pandemic is coming.
Some mormons came to my door just now too n I decided to open this time and they asked about Jesus Christ, I pointed to the cross by my door and said He's the best. I asked him do they know about luciferians eating children and they said yes and one said, they eat their own even.
Ok. Have a great day.
Now I have to go look up warren jeffs. My all knowing, biden voting, vaccinated and boosted liberal fren dropped by just as the mormons were leaving and dropped the name to show me he already knew everything. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.