Generations of historical fact
SARS-CoV-1 - He's guess what, Ivermectin works!
SARS-CoV-2 - Ivermectin? Never heard of her.
We knew in '07 when the fake HI BC was release, and anyone who opened the PDF saw the field "dropped" onto the document.
Most things present by "Q" are presented in parables…different Names, same meanings.
I think we really need to look into correcting our legal status to American State Nationals.
This seems allegorical to "claim of life".
American State Nationals
If you are not actually employed by a Federal Subcontractor and not a Dependent of the Federal Employee nor a voluntary recipient of unearned Federal welfare benefits nor a political asylum seeker nor a knowing and willing volunteer or paid Agent of the two Foreign “Federal” Subcontractors, you are in fact an American State National or State Citizen.
Your earnings are not “Federal Income” and you are not generally subject to Federal Codes and regulations unless you are engaged in the interstate manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms.