It's extremely difficult for a sane, awakened, healthy person to live around liberals. It just is. But if you do, and as you said, live in their midst, it's also hard for you to realize that WE are actually the majority in this country. Unlike liberals, we are quiet about it.
>something something Saxon Began to Hate
We aren't interviewed, we don't make the news, we don't have large groups, we aren't organized, we don't virtue signal. We do our thing, work, take care of our families, participate in our communities (in the derisively called "flyover country"), we make things, we fix things, we help people. We do it quietly. We observe, note, calculate, talk amongst ourselves (quietly), we commiserate some, but we understand each other. And, as the famous poem goes, at some point, a look exchanged between us is understood and at that moment it ceases to be an academic issue, we collectively take action - without Soros multi-group top-down coordination, without funding, without a hierarchy. We all know, we will understand and act. Together. In concert. Because we all know. We've watched, observed, noted and understood. We've had enough.
This is what the elite both know and simultaneously don't really grasp. This is one of many reasons why they are losing and will ultimately lose.
Quiet power is deceptive - it appears as weakness to those who don't understand it.