Thank you anon
That is enough to confirm that it is not the same dungeon setting
Of the video I saw a few weeks ago
For what its worth
I can't really remember the details of the person
Being carved up alive on the floor
But I vividly remember the setting
And the barrels along the wall
This stuff is actually relatively easy to find by Google searching
And if you want pedophile videos
Look no further than the free porn sites
Where teenagers post their selfie videos
having sex with each other
Using Snapchat or some other tool
This is now epidemic
Chances are that anyone whgho looks at free porn sites
Has already watched underage sex
For some time I have suspected
That the girls with ID saying their are 18yo
Are not all 18 or older
And even those that are really 18yo
Are clearly experienced at having sex
In public
For years
This is why police are going after the traffickers
And not after the consumers
I suspect the consumers who have been charged at this stage
Are all complicit in trafficking, perhaps ordering videos
Of specific girls
Who are then kidnapped, trained and filmed
I don't really know
But I do see the slow progression
Of the Illuminati program for destroying the morals of society
We need to figure out ways
To get young people
To choose a different route in life
And unveiling the Hollywood brainwashing
And programming
Has to be part of that solution.