the whole generational buzzword thing is so bogus.
and people who think like that 'oh, I'll profiteer off of buzz-word group' are the very people this board is designed to free from your kind of mindset.
the whole generational buzzword thing is so bogus.
and people who think like that 'oh, I'll profiteer off of buzz-word group' are the very people this board is designed to free from your kind of mindset.
I didn't quite say that correctly: the people who are indicated by the buzzword are to be freed from those who subscribe to the buzzword profiteering mindset.
free us from the buzz-word bingo mindset, free the people from the mindslavery of buzzword people.
bogus time warner brainwashing words.
you think the way they made you think.
you are a mindslave of madison avenue.
you are her.
both of you are the same, two different devices, that you advertising the name, the other one is you being monster-bitch-baker
> ffa7eb
America had already been invaded over and over.
the groups were not unified.
there were peole who showed up long before the Spanish, the English, the Dutch, the Italians, the French, etc.
those groups would make allies with groups that wanted to defend them selves from buthers like the Navajo and the Aztecs and other tribes that are curiously like the Mongols.
When Montezuma was thrown down the other natives aided the Spanish because Montezuma nd the Aztecs were canibals.
there is so much more to the story that I don't know.
natives don't want DNA testing, even on bones found, because they don't want the real story to be told.
the real story would get a lot more information if the testing of old bones were allowed. the 'oh our ancestors' is a bogus narative.
how could they know that 10,000 years old bones are anyone related to them, they do not.
they are starting the conflation of girls with caught fish with the anime, with the gore, with the worse stuff. time to shut of images.
you and your fake narratives
you're the jerk that was here earlier, aren't you, the inquistor.
you give it a name because you and it are the same.
no one gives a shit about a small amount of whatever anime someone normal might post.
the obssesse monster baker anime always progresses to stuff that is illegal and horrible.
but you know that because yo couch them in how to do it and may even be the one who posts it all.
monster baker coaches who ever post the horror and the too young.
anime is an cartoon genre.
not a person.
the persona is 'monsterbaker'
or 'creep baker' or 'colludes with the porn poster baker' or just 'asshole baker'
it's not a real person but a 'persona' that the crew pretends to be as they get drunk and try to drive off everyone in the over night so they can do their whatever without having to take notables.
ah the whole 'distrction, proof' thing.
you tried that one the other night.
tell me about my 'theory' now
like a monty python skit.
50 year old schitck, anon.
not clever and stupid.
give me a break, it was collusion.
I don't watch 'click the thumb nail' material
like I said 'images off'
your team has beenhere since mid February.
there is not a 'culture'.
that is only an excuse that new teams use to excuse the horror of what they do trying to be board dominates.
now it applies a random name to someone else, me. no, anon, the other one is who you called that name.
oh, why don't you spam that name of the guy supposedly a contractor in NC and tell us how 'good he is'
oh he's so good.
and then 'I'm him'
you do the same bit over and over and over.
but shutting off images when you see the first girl with a fish, that just makes it all go away.
why do you use the name that you use for the other person, oh, I know, you have a script and you mixed up the people.
if so they why do you constant do a schitck to disrupt the board?
post some screen caps of you on pol, and then you on 8chan, and then how about a (you) from Q? or something, anything that can date your participation.
go ahead, I'll even look at the image if you do.
image boards don't have a culture.
that is only said by people like you to justify your monsterous obsessive crappy memes and badgering behaviors.