you did this play the other night.
Biden is just a symptom.
the problem is generations of born-in-the-cat bird seat people who run little kingdoms.
every small town as an aristocratic group who profiteer off the town and run their lives on the backs of everyone else in town.
and now they don't need to worry about voters because the voting is rigged.
it's a fuedalistic system
non profits, unions, town governments, state governments, universities, schools, hospitals: the people that run them run them as their own little piggy banks.
and then we have an overlordly aristocratic-wannabe class of Federal people who are another layer of control
anyone who's not in those groups is treated as a chump.
no one man is the problem.
the federal controls all the money
states must comply or they don't get all the grants and handouts.
because the fuedal lords that run the states want to live there 'summer by the beach'
'Holidays in Florida' life style they are needing all the free money.
if they don't get it, they can't loot it.
and the fed can print as much as they like.
they lend out money that they just issued from nothing, and then people have to pay it back.
it was money for nothing.
but wait, it gets better, they sell the debt of a blast of new cash.
the system is pervers, the federal governmnet is paracitic, the monetization of assets uses useless assets, stock issues are given to 'principles'
companies can issue as much new stock as they want.
home mortgages mean that the real owners of the property don't have to pay the property tax.
on and on and on with the free money for them and the rest of us always a day late, a dollar short, one day older, and deeper in debt.
defenders of our wonderful fuedal system, please chime in and tell what I got wrong.
I don't have a degree in fincane or banking, so, I probably have some stuff wrong.
any defenders of this marvelous system?
tell me why I'm wrong. I know there must be a few things I didn't get right. tell me what it is.
Why is 'gun enthusiast' part of the narrative?
When ,what was that cats name, shared the Pentagon Papers the left hailed him as a hero and the publishers made sure that anyone who wanted to read a copy of it could get one cheaply.
they were everywhere.
ah yes, Daniel Ellsberg
a rhetorical question.
thank you for pointing it out for those who don't comprehend such rhetorical flourishes.
the next time he reincarnates (they think) they shouldn't go look for him.
that's ridiculous
reformation is the thing.
the whole 'your country must die' thing is just you trying to be all scary.
they are criminals
they don't follow rules
that is just you saying that so you can pretend that when they just turn away that you can do say that other creepy 'your silence is your acquiesecne' or whatever it is.
they don't have to tell anything.
that thing you say is a bullshit thing so that people feel less guilt when they get more and more depraved.
For that I used the genre of
'rightous rant' and had a subsequent post 'what did I get wrong' (because I'm not expert just an observer)
so realize that I understand that it's a very complicated situation and just Nationalizing the federal R won't really solve the problem.
so what solutions do you have?
I asked for 'what did I get wrong' and 'defend them'
it's called 'initiating a discussion'
the problem is people are so fearful of being blacklisted that they refuse to learn about the issue, and how what seemed like a good idea in the 1910s turned out to be a grand looting of pretty much everything.
what other ideas do you have other than smug ironic ''got it"?
I prefer jumbos,
jumbo with 16-24 in a one pound package.
They are good either boiled, or baked in the over with a bit of bread crumbs and olive oil, and then either put on a pizza or tossed into pasta.
I thought that too. Thanks for pointing that bait-poster in that direction.
you can also just eat them after you cook them. I let them cool down for a while.
in california if they would collect the debris and then mulch it where the water flows when it rains, they could spread forests into places where there aren't any now.
instead they let it sit on the ground and it becomes a major hazzard.
sometimes you see a spot in an Eastern Forest where there are hundreds of White Pine saplings. I often wondered why that was but it occured to me, a big tree got knocked down by a storm. And now there is a place on the forest floor where the sunlight shines right in during part of the day. All the debris that collected over years suddenly sprouts!
that's fine in a wet environment. California could sell the debris to grow forests elsewhere in the world. Instead they let it collect and it becomes a major fire hazzard.
I did not start with that.
I chimed into a thred of someone else asking about stuff.
I never used the terms you use in your diatribe here.
this is what I just said: people are too scared to talk about it.
do you know what the monetization of debt is?
the monetization of assets?
did you know that money from the Fed was supposed to be backed in gold?
did you know that in 1933 they ended prohibition and many people were too drunk celebrating that the Rosevelt mafia stole all the gold.
do you know what National Banks were?
they had gold deposited in the Treasury.
they issued notes based upon that.
I wasn't talking about htat group you mention.
do you thin that only they are bankers?
if you think that only they are bankers you are a bigot, anon. you need to go learn something.
I was talking out our fuedalistic current system
clearly not all the uber-lords of all these little fifedoms are of that group you suggested.
so you, having a hang up about it, accuse me of something.
when it seems to me you are the bigot.
ah, so sorry.
I don't use the term 'boomer' and rarely will chime in about that group you mentioned.
reviewing your post again I think you confused me with a different anon. check ids more thoroughly in the future please. Thanks.