Typical Mongrel!
KYS fuckwit!
>Elton John was very tight with Princess Di.
DS Mongrel and hooknosed mongrel dirty Diana!
KYS Gatekeeper!
Highest Tranime Shill!
STFU projecting Watkins Gatekeeper Mongrel brat!
>Your life sounds painful.
Of course, I am German you filthy hooknosed fuckwit gatekeeper Mongrel faggot!
>Nah, you're probably jewish.
I already told you last summer what I am all about, do you critters all have a hole in your head?
STFU hookinosedkhasaric Basdtard!
>So am I, and I grew up in the USA and I'm not a pos like you
I bet you filthy fuck have a hooknose, so you are not German, but a khasarian fuck, a wana-be german!
You bastards are still doing so well today because you bastards have stolen hundreds of thousands of patents, you stupid animals still live on it!
Here are only 20 million Germans left, the rest is expelled or killed!
Why do I only have a hatred for you, how can that be?
Brain-washed fuckwit!
>You clearly didn't make an impression.
I did inferior Mongrel brat! Brain-dead!
>Anons remember everything.
STFU filthy fuckkwit, you moron do not know now what you had for breakfast the day before yesterday, brain-dead pile!
What do you know brain dead rat child, ameritards!
You filthy fucks will get what you deserve! Death!
>The word is chameleon.
Nice projection filthy parasitic hooknosed khasaric fuckwit! Brown rats!