How can you tell if someone is Q-ish just by looking at them?
But these NAZIS sprayed people NOT JUST IN UKRAINE. In hong kong they spray, in US they JABBED.
and it's not just mRNA it's BIO AGENTS, smart dust, doped hepa filters they can still kill though. lungs scarred by bio marker antrax/ferratin or whatever combo/geographic location; if they survive
Government is never to be trusted again.
The only way is NEW LAW and OATH
flushing this shit out.
"Enjoy the Movie"
Even if it was REAL they can't show it.
if it's FAKE they can't prove it
if it's REAL they can't prove it.
They LOSE enjoy the win.
Fuck their lying "LOST LEAKS" lol
does it make you ANGRY anon?
is Angry Anon in the ROOM with us Now?
The better question is why aren't some base commanders and the potus locked up for Afghanistan?
I just wonder how much Equipment you must have signed for.
I bet you pray each morning there's never an auditor like me that comes along.
um, 11 more guesses.
The only Server that got stolen was on Jan 6th in DC by AZOV nazis
Duke it out - 3rd BOER WAR
2:02:16 TRT
Q drops are full of shit.