Anonymous ID: 4b5177 April 14, 2023, 10:22 a.m. No.18694599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4629 >>4673

Russian forces bear down on Ukrainian defenders in Bakhmut


KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — The battle for Bakhmut is heating up again, analysts and Russian officials said Friday, as Ukrainian defenders of the devastated city resisted a coordinated three-pronged attack by the Kremlin’s forces and efforts to stop supplies from reaching them.


“Russia has re-energized its assault” on Bakhmut, the U.K. Ministry of Defense said of recent developments in the eastern Ukraine city, which for eight and a half months has been the stage for the war ’s longest and bloodiest fight.


“The Ukrainian defense still holds the western districts of the town but has been subjected to particularly intense Russian artillery fire over the previous 48 hours,” the ministry’s assessment said.


Until recently, a notorious private Russian military contractor, the Wagner Group, spearheaded the campaign to take Bakhmut, making slow, grinding progress at the cost of thousands of lives on both sides. Now, regular Russian units have joined the thrust.


Military analysts have said that seizing Bakhmut would have public relations and tactical military value for Moscow though was unlikely to prove decisive in the war’s outcome. The Russian Defense Ministry also noted the stepped-up fighting in western parts of the city Friday.

Anonymous ID: 4b5177 April 14, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.18694640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4646 >>4707

Conservative Student at Virginia College Shares Pro-Life Message On Campus, Doxed and Threatened.


Skylar Culbertson is a conservative student at College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Culbertson shared her pro-life views on campus and was threatened as a result.


Culbertson wrote at The College Fix:


On Tuesday, my peers and I at William & Mary University hosted a table on behalf of our Tribe for Life campus club that took on what we consider some of the lies that pro-choicers tell.


We set up a big sign, handed out brochures, and had conversations with students about those lies, which we argue are that: men can have babies, Planned Parenthood cares about women, chemical abortions are safe, and women need abortions to succeed.


The three hours we spent on campus that afternoon were mostly uneventful, and perhaps that’s because we had security officers present due to the fact that in the past we’ve faced death threats, we’ve had urine thrown at us, we’ve been doxxed, and so on.


But the real drama unfolded Wednesday night, after a satirical student publication made fun of our group for enlisting security guards, generating a wave of mocking comments under the article that then led to threats on the anonymous social media app Yik Yak.


Some of them I expected, such as the ironic “Skylar is a threat to humanity” post. But the one that sounded alarm bells was: “tribe for life makes me want to commit suicide and also mass murder.”


The threat of violence was enough for me to alert the local authorities, and I have been working with campus leaders as well to ensure the safety of not only fellow students and the community but even for this troubled individual.


Heightening the situation is the fact that our nation is still grieving the murder of six innocent people at a Christian school in Tennessee on Monday at the hands of an individual who clearly suffered from mental health issues relating to transgender ideology.


What’s more, there’s a “Trans Day of Vengeance” rally scheduled for Saturday in Washington D.C. and some of the Yik Yak messages over the last week have flagged the event with glee.


I wish I could say I am surprised and shocked by such reactions, but I’m not.


As a result of being a conservative voice on campus over the last two years, I’ve been harassed by my peers online and in person, and some have even broadcast my identity online to invite more harassment.


I’ve been censored from showing pictures of the reality of abortion at on-campus events. Our student pro-life group has seen our flyers routinely torn down and vandalized and even had urine thrown at us.