Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 7:50 a.m. No.18693973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4141 >>4289 >>4454 >>4568 >>4707

14 Apr, 2023 13:56

China reiterates Ukraine stance

All sides of the conflict should remain “objective and calm,” FM Qin Gang told his German counterpart


Beijing will continue promoting peace talks to settle the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said during a joint press conference with his German counterpart Annalena Baerbock on Friday.


“One point I want to emphasize is that China’s role in the Ukraine issue, our proposition, boils down to one point, that is, to persuade and promote talks,” Qin told journalists in Beijing on Friday.


All sides involved in the conflict should remain “objective and calm” in order to find a solution to the crisis, he added. According to the minister, the Chinese authorities “won’t do anything to add fuel to the fire” in Ukraine.


Qin also rejected Western claims that Beijing is supplying or planning to supply arms to Russia amid the fighting.


“Regarding the export of military items, China adopts a prudent and responsible attitude,” he insisted, adding that the country “will not provide weapons to relevant parties of the conflict, and manage and control the exports of dual-use items in accordance with laws and regulations.”


Baerbock, for her part, stuck to the Western linethat Beijing should putpressure on Moscowto bring the fighting in Ukraine to an end.


“It’s good that China has signaled its commitment to a solution, but I have to say frankly that I wonder why the Chinese position so far does not include a call on the aggressor Russia to stop the war,” she said.


Russian President Vladimir Putin “would have the opportunity to do so at any time, and the people in Ukraine would like nothing more than to finally be able to live in peace again,” the German foreign minister said.


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin also said on Friday that Qin made it clear to Baerbock during their talks “that the only way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis is to promote the peace process and negotiations.”


Since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine last February, Beijing has been reluctant to give in to Western pressure to condemn Russia or join the international sanctions against it. Instead, the neighbors have boosted political and economic cooperation, which they both now describe as “strategic.” Moscow and Beijing signed dozens of deals in various areas when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russia last month.


(Baerbock is the one in German parliament that saidGermany is at war with Russia. The leaders wanted to get rid if her, no one listened.)

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 7:53 a.m. No.18693983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3991 >>4141 >>4289 >>4412 >>4454 >>4568 >>4707 >>4745


14 Apr, 2023 14:27

Pentagon ‘leaker’ charged

Jack Teixeira was charged with unauthorized removal, retention, and transmission of classified national defense information


Jack Teixeira, the US airman suspected of leaking hundreds of classified documents online, appeared for the first time in a Boston court on Friday.


The alleged leaker faced formal charges of unauthorized removal, retention, and transmission of classified national defense information.


Teixeira, an enlisted airman first class and member of the 102nd Intelligence Wing based in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, was arrested at his home by the FBI on Thursday.


The leaked Pentagon documents had been circulating online for weeks already before drawing the attention of the media – and, subsequently, of the US government – last week. The documents, which were color-printed and then photographed, ending up being uploaded to a gaming chat server.


The leak prompted a large-scale intra-department investigation, with the Pentagon reportedly having reduced the number of people on government-wide distribution lists to receive classified information. A significant part of the trove of documents related to the US and NATO war-planning effort in Ukraine, and included data on arms deliveries, training schedules, and estimates of losses sustained by both Moscow and Kiev, among other information.


The Pentagon has neither confirmed nor denied the authenticity of the leaked documents, acknowledging only it was taking the situation “very seriously” and that some of the materials were “similar in format” to its intelligence briefings. Multiple US and foreign officials, however, have argued that some of the files appeared to be doctored or outright fake.

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.18694027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4141 >>4289 >>4454 >>4568 >>4707

14 Apr, 2023 14:28

Poland would not survive a Russia-NATO war – ex-president

Dmitry Medvedev lashes out at Poland’s prime minister, who expressed confidence in the bloc’s military superiority over Russia


Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has claimed thatPoland would cease to existif a direct war were to occur between Russia and NATO, regardless of the outcome. He was responding to remarks by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who expressed confidence that the Western alliance would win such a conflict.


Morawiecki, who is currently visiting the US, commented on the Ukrainian conflict in an interview with NBC News on Friday. Host Kristen Welker asked whether he was concerned that Ukrainian strikes outside its territory risked “a wider war, drawing Poland… into the conflict.”


The prime minister replied that he was not concerned, as it would be “a war between Russia and NATO, andRussia would lose this war very quickly.” (Meanwhile NATO countries have few arms left they gave them to the arms launderers in Ukraine)


“They believe that fighting with Ukraine they are fighting with the West and fighting with NATO, whereas the fact of the matter is that we are only supporting a brutally invaded country”, Morawiecki said.


Medvedev, who serves as deputy chair of Russia’s National Security Council, tweeted in response that he wasnot so certain about which side would win, “but considering Poland’s role as a NATO outpost in Europe, this country is sure to disappeartogether with its stupid prime minister.”


The Russian official has previously warned against a possible escalation of the Ukraine conflict, which Moscow perceives as a proxy war against it by the US and its allies. If that were to happen, hostilities could go nuclear, Medvedev believes, and all sides would be catastrophically harmed. The former president has branded European leaders who underestimate this risk as incompetent.


Morawiecki is one of the most outspokencritics of Russiaand its involvement in Ukraine. He has claimed thecountry is similar to Nazi Germanyin its goals and methods, and accused nations in the EU that do not fully support Ukraine, of appeasing Moscow.


During his visit to the US, the Polish leader delivered a speech to theAtlantic Council, a pro-NATO think-tank, in which he reiterated his case for investing in Ukraine. If Kiev loses, he claimed, the West’s “golden age” may end.


(This is the guy that begged Trump to build US military outposts in Poland, Trump said absolutely not! He’s insane.)

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 8:16 a.m. No.18694085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bannon & Cortes talking about the lie “The Economist” is pushing with their new cover today and article. They are saying the US economy is great!

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 8:20 a.m. No.18694107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

14 Apr, 2023 12:00

Chinese defense minister to visit Moscow

Li Shangfu is expected to meet with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigunext week


China's State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu is scheduled to pay an official visit to Moscow from April 16 to 19 to meet with Russian counterpart Sergey Shoigu, a spokesperson for the Chinese military announced on Friday.


In his first overseas visit since becoming Defense Minister last month, Li is expected to hold talks with Russian military officials and visit military academies, the spokesperson said.


“In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, the relations between theChinese and Russian militaries have been continually developing at a high level,” the spokesperson noted, adding that “new progress has been made in strategic communication, joint exercises and training, and practical cooperation” which all contribute to the China-Russia strategic partnership for a new era.


Li will arrive just weeks after Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders vowed to “further deepen mutual military trust”and signed a joint statement declaring that the friendship between the two nations has “no limits.”


China has remained neutral in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and has refused to impose sanctions on Moscow or send weapons to either side, instead calling for a peaceful resolution to the hostilities.


Nevertheless, the US has seen the growing relations between Moscow and Beijing as a threat to its geopolitical dominance, as stated on Tuesday by CIA director William Burns. He claimed thatRussian-Chinese ties will present a “formidable challenge” to his agency for years to come.


Western officials have also repeatedly issued warnings to China not to provide any military aid to Russia, threatening “consequences”should it choose to do so.


Li Shangfu, who previously served as the director of China's Equipment Development Department before becoming Defense Minister, is currently under US sanctions for “engaging in significant transactions with Rosoboronexport, Russia’s main arms export entity.”

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 8:28 a.m. No.18694140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4289 >>4454 >>4568 >>4707

Credit Where Due, Glenn Greenwald Nails This Discussion of Media and the U.S. Intel Leaks


April 14, 2023 | Sundance |


There are times when CTH and the perspective of Glenn Greenwald do not align. This is not one of those times. {Direct Rumble Link Here}


In this segment with Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald nails the agenda, motives and outcomes of the U.S. media as they relate to the recent classified intelligence leaks. This is a solidthree-minute encapsulationof the problem. WATCH:

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 8:34 a.m. No.18694163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tucker Carlson Discusses U.S. Intel Leaks and Media Effort to Hide the U.S. Govt Lies


April 13, 2023 | Sundance |


During his opening monologue tonight, Tucker Carlson outlined the latest developments on the U.S. classified information leaks and the media effort to avoid talking about the government lies within them.


It really is quite a remarkable development to witness in real time.Corporate media, a completely collapsed fourth-estate, playing the distracting role on behalf of the intelligence apparatus they are supposed to keep in check. WATCH:

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 8:52 a.m. No.18694228   🗄️.is 🔗kun

13 Apr, 2023 21:56

Ukraine could enact ‘full mobilization’ – Pentagon leaks

The situation will make “leadership changes” more likely in Kiev, US military planners reportedly believe


The US believes that neither Ukraine nor Russia will achieve major gains on the battlefield this year, and that the ensuing stalemate will force Kiev to call up every last available man to fight, according to leaked Pentagon documents cited by the Washington Post.


The US Defense Intelligence Agency views both Kiev and Moscow as having “insufficient troops and supplies for effective operations,”and as such predicts that the conflict in Ukraine will drag on into 2024, with both sides achieving only “marginal” territorial gains this year, the newspaper reported on Wednesday.


Nevertheless, “negotiations to end the conflict are unlikely,” the agency reportedly wrote in its assessment, which was included in a trove of leaked documents. The Post and a number of newspapers have published information from some of these documents, while simultaneously helping the government track down the suspected leaker, who was arrested by the FBI on Thursday after the New York Times published his identity.


In a protracted conflict with little chance of victory or negotiations, it isUkraine that will pay the heaviest price, the Pentagon reportedly believes. Such a stalemate will force Kiev to enact the “full mobilization” of its remaining male population, the Post reported, a move that will trigger public “criticism” of Vladimir Zelensky’s government and make “leadership changes more likely.”


The document also gives scenarios in which Ukraine either scores a decisive victory, forcing Russia to escalate or negotiate, or Russia scores a victory that enables it to demand regime change in Kiev. However, the stalemate outcome is reportedly listed as “the most likely scenario.”


Kiev’s efforts to conscript civilians into military service have proven unpopular, with numerous videos surfacing showing men being forcibly detained on the streets and press-ganged into service. With Ukrainian lawmakers reportedly considering expanding the draft, many of those already in uniform have been funneledinto the encircled Donbass town of Artyomovsk (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine), which they consider no longer worth defending.


Other recently leaked Pentagon documents revealed that, as ofFebruary, the US believes Ukraine has suffered up to 131,000 casualtiesin the conflict thus far, including up to 17,500 killed. Establishing a true body count is difficult, as Ukraine rarely publishes its losses. Last autumn, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen put Kiev’s fatalities at 100,000, a claim that was disputed by Kiev and later removed from the EU’s websites.


The Post noted that the documents did not specify whether a “leadership change” in Kiev refers to a rotation of political leaders or military brass.


Officials in Kiev are reportedly outraged over the leak, which also included information suggestingUkraine is ill-equippedto mount its long-promised spring counteroffensive.


Trump said in his interview with Tucker, “It’s a big deal and concern that Russia is accelerated efforts to manufacturer it’s own munitions and equipment”. I doubt the Pentagon are considering this in their analysis. But the report was completed in February I think.

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 8:54 a.m. No.18694238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4289 >>4454 >>4568 >>4707

1 hour ago

Joe Kent: Leak Reveals CIA Knew Ukraine War Was Never Sustainable, War Powers Act Needed Today


Kent is on fire and so is Lara Logan, both together there are five clips!

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 9:22 a.m. No.18694348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4370 >>4454 >>4458 >>4568 >>4707

Lara Logan: Intelligence Community’s Ukraine Support Is Continued Effort From WW2 Of Saving Nazis


Nazis in our US gov and they still are!


Lara says Ukraine is NOT a country, its a protectorate that Russia watches over, and this goes back to the 17th centuryUkraine is to Russia like Puerto Rico is to the US

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.18694409   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree with some points you make, we are completely controlled by fear of being called anti-semite.


Israel will not supply arms to Ukraine even though they place the jewish leader there. Why is a jew directing Nazis,because implicitly there is no difference.


The KKK were holding a small racial discrimination against one race, and have been condemned and destroyed. But Nazis consider themselves above races. Jews created Nazis to blame when jews sacrificed their own people in Germany. No one mentions the 4+ million Christians killed in the death camps with the jews.


No one mentions 25+ millions Russians died to save their country and defeat Nazis in WWIi


I’m not anti jew, I’m anti khazarian devil worshippers who invaded and inbred with the seed of Abraham and have convinced the world, regardless how evil the leaders are there can be no criticism.

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 10:22 a.m. No.18694598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4707

These people are insane liars

Bannons War Room



2 hours ago

Air National Guard Leaker Proved Establishment’s Ukraine Narrative “All Lies”

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 10:27 a.m. No.18694628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4632 >>4636 >>4707

14 Apr, 2023 16:10

Nuland issues threat over Russian assets

Washington is working to ensure Moscow helps pay for “all that it has broken,” the high-ranking State Department official has said


The American authorities are in discussions about using the Russian central bank assets frozen by the West to rebuild Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, has said.


When the conflict between Kiev and Moscow ends,Washington plans a massive reconstruction program for Ukraineaimed not only at rebuilding its cities, towns, and villages, but also at providing the country with a powerful military, “greener” energy infrastructureand stronger government institutions that would be “better hardened against corruption,” Nuland said during a speech at the US-Ukraine Partnership Forum in Washington on Thursday.


The reconstruction of Ukraine would costat least $411 billionover a ten-year period, according to conservative estimates of the World Bank, she said.


“Among other things, we are working to ensure that Russia helps pay for all that it has broken,” the State Department official pointed out.


She said that thanks to the support of Congress, the US Department of Justice has been granted new authorityto use “illicit assets seized from Russian oligarchs” to help rebuild Ukraine.


“In February, we announced the first tranche of $5.4 million under this authority, with more announcements to come,” Nuland said.


She also stressed that “discussions are ongoing about theestimated $300 billion of Russian central bank assetsthat we and our allies have frozen” in connection to the reconstruction of Ukraine.


On Thursday, however, German newspaper Die Welt reported – after viewingunpublished internal documentsby the European Commission – that Brussels had come to the conclusion thatit would eventually have to return the frozen central bank reserves. This could happen after the conflict in Ukraine ends, according to the outlet.


The foreign reserves of the Russian central bank were seized by the US and the EU shortly after the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine last February. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov described the move as “plain theft,” accusing the West of “returning to bandit, wild capitalism from the times of the Gold Rush” in the 19th century.


This creature would not to Hell, she’s on a path to the Lake of Sacred Fire and her soul if there is any left, will be extinquished forever

Anonymous ID: 861f13 April 14, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.18694655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4661 >>4707 >>4725

14 Apr, 2023 15:55

Gender-fluid ex-Biden official spared prison

Disgraced nuclear scientist Sam Brinton pleaded no contest to stealing luggage from an airport


Former US Energy Department nuclear waste manager Sam Brinton pleaded no contest on Wednesday to charges of stealing a woman’s suitcase from the baggage carousel at a Las Vegas airport last July,avoiding jail time with a 180-day suspended sentence.


As part of the plea deal, thefelony theft charge was knocked down to a misdemeanorand Brinton, who uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, must pay $3,670 in restitution to the victim, according to court records seen by the Daily Mail.


The judge also told Brinton to “stay out of trouble,” the Daily Mail reported.


Brinton was caught on camera stealing the luggage after a woman traveling from Washington DC to Las Vegas on United Airlines told officials that the bag she had checked, containing jewelry, makeup, contact lenses, and clothing, had vanished en route.


The footage reportedly shows the nuclear scientist pull the suitcase off the baggage carousel, look at the tag, return it to the carousel and look around in all directions before grabbing it off the carousel again. Following another furtive look around, Brinton can be seen walking off with the suitcase, according to the arrest warrant issued for in December. Brinton was initially charged withgrand larceny, a felonywhich carries a sentence of between one and ten years and a fine of as much as $10,000.


Brinton wasplaced on leavefrom the position of deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the Department of Energy after being charged with stealing another suitcase from the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport in September. That case is ongoing. (It was reported he was fired, why is it “on leave”?)


A Tanzanian fashion designer who lost her suitcase in 2018 while traveling from Houston to Washington DC posted photos last month appearing to show Brinton wearing some of the custom designs that had been in the bag on more than one occasion. After she re-reported the theft in December upon spotting her clothes on the flamboyant kink advocate, Houston police reportedly turned the case over to the FBI.


Brinton’s appointment by President Joe Biden last February was controversial even before the luggage theft allegations. The non-binary nuclear engineer has spoken at universities about the “kink” lifestyle and “pup play,” which involves sexual role-playing relationships with men pretending to be dogs.