Anonymous ID: edf4c2 April 14, 2023, 5:34 p.m. No.18696611   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>illumination of a 1000 points of light

Translated from nwo speak

Illumination = initiation into the cult. This cult being masonic in nature and occultist in practice


1000 points of lights = what does a sheriff, deputy, cop wear on their uniform?

A badge.

In what shape?

A star variation

What do stats do?

Give off light


So what does tyrannical rule look like?

Occultists using illuminated/initiated members to count votes, installed puppets via voting using occultists and their child brides to count votes. Installing clowns to practice law as judge/prosecutor/attorney/jury creating a prison colony on many different levels from the grooming in public schools, gangs buying protection, pedophile rings, bodies buried


Lawlessness disguised as law

Anonymous ID: edf4c2 April 14, 2023, 6:18 p.m. No.18696852   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This group are the sigil takers. They mock everything. Catholic has been a dog whistle for so long that only the young in the pews remain blind to it. There is an entire orthodox Catholic movement that grew pace and Q and POTUS45 have mentioned/posted thoughts/letters from them. Everyone is dealing with this inward->out corruption

It’s bigger than we can possibly imagined


Anonymous ID: edf4c2 April 14, 2023, 6:29 p.m. No.18696906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6918 >>7174


He is a Kennedy. They are a proud family that have been mocked for a long time because of the moves and bravery JFK did in the interest of THIS Country and what we knew it to stand for. This plan was set in motion a long time ago. Special Forces, intel, the internet, stars, JFK, the anons, Q.. all have come to this precipice in American AnD world history that is being written right now. Power structures that existed are ushered out as the new technological future unfolds for the masses. The Great Awakening, the Q posts, the digs unfurl the ugliness of a group that uses other nation states and infiltration of a group that has used things like the social grooming sites of twitter/Reddit to sell products to include political ideology and covid jabs.


The Kennedy’s were betrayed by people who took what the Kennedy family built when this country was the Wild West through reformation and legal reforms to JFK uniting all Americans and inviting those who would share those ideas in building a better future, for all here. RFK in his own words is emboldened to share this inside knowledge and we are in the internet age.


Wild right? JFK quipping the line about the c_a after they told him a false flag to install a puppet regime only costs 30m Americans and 140+mil Cubans after killing Americans all over Florida?