OBAMA’S DREAM: Minneapolis Becomes America’s First Major City to Allow Muslim Prayer Call 5 Times a Day
Obama said he wanted change and this is was what he wanted.
Under Obama major US cities began filling up with Muslims from the Middle East. This program of bringing in individuals from around the world has expanded under the Biden-Obama regime. The fruits of their work are now in the open.
Obama hated America and although he claimed to be a Christian he went overseas and gave hints that this was not the case.
A few days before President Trump’s inauguration and while he was behind the scenes spying on Trump, conjuring up lies of Trump being a Russian spy, and doing all he could to cover up his corruption by going on the offense, Obama was widely recognized as being America’s first Muslim President.
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Even Muslims were saying this:
For eight years, a black man with a Kenyan father whose middle name was Hussein and who spent part of his childhood in Indonesia ran the US as president and commander-in-chief. And, all this while, nearly one-third of the country thought he was a Muslim. Instead of being a cause for concern, this gives me a small sense of joy.
Barack Obama’s skin color, his Arabic middle name, his alleged Muslim-ness did not deter American voters from making him the second-most powerful, influential person in the nation. (First place is forever occupied by Oprah.) Instead, millions of Americans voluntarily voted for a man who was widely believed to be Muslim.