Gamergate never ended, anon.
>Chloe Sagal⚧ is was a failed "game developer" and egomaniacal, mentally ill tranny that can't spell who, after being dishonorably discharged from the army for making up a mental illness, became an Indiegogo scammer kike who tried to get money for his sex change by pretending he was dying of a car crash. When his scam was exposed he pretended to kill himself live on camera.
>An army of dickgirl fetishists masquerading as social justice warriors came to his rescue to have the article about him taken down, resulting in the person who wrote it being fired from Destructoid and the entire thing was forgotten for a while until GamerGate kicked that dust up again, exposing Destructoid as a shithole run by retards and borderline rapists.
>You don't have to be a tranny to be a detestable, insane, drama-whoring, emotional parasite… but it helps!