Hey VQChris, you around?
Whatchu workin' on, senpai?
Hey VQChris, you around?
Whatchu workin' on, senpai?
> NBC’s June 11, 2013
Here's a link to a page with a video for easy sharing:
Yeah yeah.
So flat earth shill gets off shift…
Then porn shill gets off shift…
And nooooow we have this nigger… again.
Mostly, I think, it has to do with the fact that this isn't a gay dating site.
Or… I mean i guess it is, but there's a different section for that.
We know you're obsessed with cock.
So much so that you love sliding on dicks.
Over and over.
You just bitch and moan like a woman, while trying to convince people you're something other a cum guzzling shitstain.
Please consider giving yourself a lobotomy.