>>18699520 pb
>Former NATO troops see ‘disarray’ in Ukrainian military – CTV
because this must be almost exclusively new young boys now
these people are sick
cancel this gay fucking war.
>>18699520 pb
>Former NATO troops see ‘disarray’ in Ukrainian military – CTV
because this must be almost exclusively new young boys now
these people are sick
cancel this gay fucking war.
>Why are they putting in 40 drive through bays to mitigate going in to the store?
I'm working on similar drive thru pickups for another major regional chain
can confirm…
I wondered the same thing - what do they know….
>America At War with Russia
no, neocon. that's up to congress. read your constitution. Do you have one? Would you like a copy? I will send you one if you like.
Tucker explains:
Oh so that's who's under the Milley mask
>Why are they putting in 40 drive through bays to mitigate going in to the store?
although Target is losing a ton of money from negroes taking stuff & not paying, so maybe this is a way forward for them
>Executive Order 13526
Executive Order 13526 was issued on December 29, 2009 by obuymmer
It revokes and replaces the previous Executive Orders in effect for this, which were EO 12958 (text) and EO 13292 (text).
wonder what exactly got revoked
>A browser extension
greasemonkey filters?
If 8kun.post.numposts = 1 & post.text.length < 5 hidePost()
>The Chemtrails are for weather modification to block out our sun (SOL), why you ask?
Eventually they want to do that, for sure.
>Genesis 1:16 'God made two great lights'
one to rule the day and one to rule the night
Binary systems would be uninhabitable IMO
your planetary orbit would be too unstable. fucking rollercoaster. Only once advanced enough to support own life. could you live there
Also Sol is in a binary system with Sirius anyway
It's the local giant
>In classic warfare wounded soldiers is 3 times those amounts
but they can rebuild apartment blocks no problem, better than new
and also ukraine has entered the supply chain for walmart cheap apple juice in this time
grand canyon was caused by a big movement of water. this can be shown really easily. establishment hiding this for some reason
>to get rid of one post sickfucks?
something like that. it's just pseudocode. It wouldn't work. It's a filter I would like to see. I think we need it.
Since Jim ended captchas, which is fine, I think we need more options for filters
a green awoo frog is not the same as constant cartoons of preteens, tranime
see >>18701658
wait the meme is supposed to show those as "facts" and a 3D object as truth - I think that's how it goes
>Not everyone that posts anime is the same person.
Correct! Those who focus on preteens and sexually-dressed preteens get the rope.
stop posting preteen girls you fucking pedo faggot
yeah, usual shit from you shill.
when called on it, you post the least suggestive ones.
you know exactly what you are doing and constantly posting preteen girl cartoon spam.often they are suggestive.
when called on it, you post non-suggestive ones for a while.
fuck you shill.
>nothing about the parade of boobs and ass?
correct. that's totally fine and part of board culture
there is nothing inconsistent there at all.
you would have to be very twisted to see no difference between suggestive cartoons of preteen girls and picture of women
exactly how twisted are you? are you gorefag? is that how twisted you are?
>I joined up the end of dec. 2016-early jan 2017 at the latest.
Wow this guy joined QR before it existed and before Q post #1.
So you're a time traveling pedo?
yeah you tone them down when called on it. I already said that part.
>can you sauce that?
it's all about pushing the borders. obviously he's sneaky about it. he knows exactly what buttons he's pushing
exact same shilling technique is being used on half right now in PTG thread and ukraine war thread
They push further and further towards loli
>obviously he's sneaky about it. he knows exactly what buttons he's pushing
>exact same shilling technique is being used on half right now in PTG thread and ukraine war thread
>They push further and further towards lolicon
It's got nothing to do with anime. Anime is far broader than this near-lolicon shill stuff