Anonymous ID: 6dea59 April 16, 2023, 6:35 a.m. No.18703968   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3978 >>3984 >>3993 >>3997







GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD morning daily morning roll call shillfaggot namefaggot famefaggot identityfaggot avatarfaggots who all just happen to always be online at the exact same time 365 days a year every single morning clock in circle jerk echo chamber clown crew. Gonna add my post to your collection since you shills literally have nothing better to do all day every day here? Ready for another day of comped faggot board admins deleting posts that break no board rules?ANOTHER DAY AT THE OFFICE?








>smoking pepe


>mr pig

>insert moar namefag


"Using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the anonymous Q Research 8kun board may not be helpful to the Great Awakening for several reasons.


Firstly, the Q Research 8kun board is designed to be an anonymous platform where users can post their opinions and ideas without revealing their true identities. The idea behind this anonymity is to allow for open and honest discussions without fear of personal repercussions or retaliation. When a user chooses to use an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona, they are essentially defeating the purpose of anonymity, and potentially putting themselves at risk of being targeted or harassed by others who disagree with their views.


Secondly, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the Q Research 8kun board may lead to a false sense of credibility or authority. Because the board is anonymous, the value of an argument or idea is judged solely on its own merits, rather than the perceived authority or status of the person making the argument. By using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona, a user may be attempting to lend additional credibility or authority to their arguments, which can be misleading and counterproductive to the free and open exchange of ideas.


Finally, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the Q Research 8kun board may lead to groupthink and echo chambers. When users identify with a particular persona, they may be more likely to surround themselves with others who share their views, which can reinforce their beliefs and limit their exposure to different perspectives. This can lead to a situation where the community becomes insular and less receptive to new ideas, which is counterproductive to the Great Awakening.


In summary, using an identity or repeatedly identifiable persona on the anonymous Q Research 8kun board can be counterproductive to the Great Awakening by undermining the anonymity that is designed to allow for open and honest discussions, potentially leading to a false sense of credibility or authority, and contributing to groupthink and echo chambers."

Anonymous ID: 6dea59 April 16, 2023, 7:01 a.m. No.18704035   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4049

Just like clockwork. They were already here waiting. No matter what time of day you check in they prove they are monitoring 24/7. They never rest. They never leave. They never sleep. Poor bastards don't stand a chance. kek

Anonymous ID: 6dea59 April 16, 2023, 7:03 a.m. No.18704039   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Now prepare to watch them scream and seethe and repeat the same 6 memes in their folder desperately without any text or context. The echo chamber clowns are losing bigly. I am smiling bigly.

Anonymous ID: 6dea59 April 16, 2023, 7:36 a.m. No.18704145   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

The Echo Chamber is too strong and cannot be defeated.


You will bend to our will, Anon.


You will become what you hated most, a namefag.


Your anonymity is but a fragile reflection of your lack of independence in a sea of piss.


Despite everything Q said about Anons being nameless, faceless and fameless we will still convince newfags to worship our board idols.


You will see countless consensus formed right in front of you by incalculable new IP's replying to tranime and agreeing with their diatribe and there's nothing you can do to stop it.


Our infiltrated BV saboteurs will destroy the organics of the board without you even knowing it. Your opposition to us will be erased just as you will be, oldfag.


Ebonics is our BV war Cry. When you see our white boy wigger calling card you will cower in fear. We are the mighty cucks that never give up the dough.


Our alphabet trained namefags are the finest and most skilled adversaries you will ever face. They cannot be traced and cannot be destroyed, they are not using your standard wifi.


Even now we are developing more Mr. Pig memes and download over fifteen terabytes of anime and doge reaction images.


Whenever you expose us we will drown you out with board approved spam. Our elite clowns watering trees, crying babies and newfag warnings will stifle any newfags from learning who their gatekeepers are.


Your time is short lived here, prepare to be overwhelmed by our network of intel agents stationed across the globe to generate namefag consensus bias.


No matter how hard you try, we will succeed in making everyone think you are femboy faggot nazis. You will be a gay homosexual wearing knee high socks before you even know what has happened.


As we speak MSM talking points are being deployed, "You are the News now" will mean something entirely different.


Prepare yourself for defeat. The echo chamber cannot be stopped.