Japan and India. Would this be an explanation for why Abe was assassinated?
Japan and India. Would this be an explanation for why Abe was assassinated?
Anon noticed something a long time ago. Publicly traded companies seemed able to do things due to their "market cap" (? Sorry not a financial expert of any sort, just notice things). Companies that actually make money from their core business act differently than those with large stock market values. Now however, other people's money from things like pension investments and borrowing seem to be drying up. What does this mean? Anon thinks this means companies (corporations) need to make money the old-fashioned way, by selling products.
Slavery- no doubt the "owning" (at least the labor of) one human by another is distasteful and even undesirable. However what is much much worse to anon is the owning of men, women and children by corporations that are demonic entities "personified" and literally given the rights of "persons" under US fraudulently imposed precedents. If a "corporation" can "mandate" gene altering injections on you, you are worse than a slave to another human. If you accept the "mandate" you are allowing yourself to be conformed to the image of something less than a man. It is like accepting mass demon possession. Repent and turn to Jesus.
Race mixing: A man and woman, whatever their melanin levels are members of mankind. Worse than "race mixing" is the mixing of mankind (made in the image of God) with other things like beasts and demon-infested tech.