Yes and they are now going to houses of people in potus cabinet and they will try viloence soon. Is this a steady uptick to the nationwide protests on the 30th?
Whats funny is the post from anon Q used for that quote is from Kansas.. kek
Being serious what should we dig tonight anons? What are you all digging on?
Someone suggested last night to do away w machines of war.. this is my choice for surplus military equipment to bring home.. and a million rounds.. bbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrppppppppppttttttt
Okay i can get with this. I am going to post up the secret flights into UPS international flights.
You guys like vid sauze? Or print sauze? It just occured to me to ask this, i like watching/listening to videos for info personally when worthy.
Fake UPS truck from jan 2018 smuggling 77 illegals
Tom Arnold, he has a ranch in Iowa. There was a large amount of drugs (meth and the like) going through his place. Someone was murdered at the ranch. People from around the area know he is as dirty as ot gets. I am not sur if Roseanne was w him at the time, but possibly.
The AI bot has somehow gotten me banned 2 times again somehow using my userid.. i dont get it but it has happened.
Anons.. Im dead serious about tom arnold and meth. Someone was killed at his place, drug deal gone wrong or something. I heard about this back in 97-98'
This is about his sister. I actually knew and dated a girl from right around his ranch. Everyone knew he was bad news. Happens to be near the Pella Windows plant.
We have a new peogram here.. call in whack-a-troll. Any celeb does what he is doing.. we expose the truth.. whack the people who have their heads up screaming the loudest.
Me too anon, this weekend it is my goal.