Look who's automated.
Literally replied within seconds to my post tagged and message ready.
Nigger you outed yourself good.
(((shill))) detected, be careful Patriots.
Look who's automated.
Literally replied within seconds to my post tagged and message ready.
Nigger you outed yourself good.
(((shill))) detected, be careful Patriots.
can confirm the second pic as mine. Not exactly confience inspiring on the use of 'muhjoo'
JIDF has set the ground play. Be wary.
Trust me, stakes are too high to miss targets at this point.
God Speed.
Those fucking fema camps can actually be used to house animals instead of humans. Very nice.
Baker, notable
>FBI agents threatened physical harm to POTUS in missing texts.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638 📁
Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)
What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Try again, you fucking kike. That post literally went up less than 7 seconds after I posted mine - perfectly tagged.
Every last one of your (((accusations))) literally fucking glow like a typical pilpul kikery (((projection))).
FE, =,e fag, SES, AIM, all your liddle buddies.
We know.
Q knows.
Patriots know.
Game over, jew.
Some of us remember your 'responses' after anons pressed your faggot pussy ass.
'BV check my ip'
ip hops
'types shit against yourself'
device hop
Seee? SEEE??
Seriously, you think we don't archive all of it?
You are fucking pathetic, JIDF.
We are not playing games.
> aeadae
>I'm not letting anyone have a monopoly on anything I deign to say.
Ahhh only if we could use such 'mouth and gumption' here in DC…why our troubles will be over in minutes!
Fucking glorious autistic niggers.
Stay on target, Patriots.
charlottesville was prime evidence A.
As rightfully angry and enraged as folks are, they need to be SMART.
We cannot fight our way out of this by playing to (((their))) script.
Key here. We take the 'third' option.
'Offer you CAN'T seemingly refuse' is ((their)) game.
Choices are not binary - not our current cabal manipulated one.
apparently =,e fag is designed specifically to sweep VPN and other commercially available IP nets.
Actually, the baker was saying in that bread it was near impossible with that timing.
Then there was this JIDF's reaction as I posted.
This faggot is LITREALLY lying to your face up front actually.
Unless BV is on board with that - I don't see how anyone can be fooled at this point.
We all know who (((they))) are.
Bloodline, roths are their agents and prime stand ins.
not jewish my ass.
Some (((shills))) on here also type like a fucking clinically retarded IDF conscripts. English chipped off of oy vey block.
Does this (((JIDf))) even fucking know what it's saying anymore?
Serious question.
It's high time you take a hike, you fucking shill. Don't come back here again.
Seriously, (((projecting))) and lying to the last dying fucking breath jesus lol
>repeating self-made up words 'muhjooshill' like its the fucking bible
>does nothing but shit up board after BV just fucking told you to focus
>still can't meme
>still trying to make 'muhjooshill' a thing
FUCK OFF. No one wants your sliding FE/SES tier ass around, as you proved amply in this bread alone so far.
Will do. Thank you.
what he said:
Also, ID can change even if IP hash does not. Only admins can see IP hash - and that is where this (((shill))) falls apart.
Recommend services with variable addies.
Would love to see where any of it is wrong, BV. Literally a single post.
Don't let your emotions get the better of you.
Staying on target.