Notable.. and she hasnt posted a youtube in a while now..
print sauce for me. i read faster than I can listen.
It may not be what you think. Not all is revealed.
I will figure out how to bake.. over the next little while. Geez why is some anon doing it for so many hours? where are the other bakers? I am a newanonish.. but I can sit and figure this shit out.
No Ray is the girl with Eagle.. and the boy is from her modeling agency..
>Anonymous 06/22/18 (Fri) 22:07:49 30027e (1) No.1871003>>1871011 >>1871416
>This has been posted before but it is IMPORTANT. This interview was just last week! it is a radio call from "Jen" who as a child was used by the cult to blackmail politicians. The key point that is new is that many of these politicians were blackmailed against their will to perform sexual acts with children.
>https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpr3694lkIY&feature=youtu.be
Anonymous 06/22/18 (Fri) 22:07:49 30027e (1) No.1871003>>1871011 >>1871416
This has been posted before but it is IMPORTANT. This interview was just last week! it is a radio call from "Jen" who as a child was used by the cult to blackmail politicians. The key point that is new is that many of these politicians were blackmailed against their will to perform sexual acts with children.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpr3694lkIY&feature=youtu.be
I understand. Except the "Axis of evil" which most have turned over since the Bush speech.I am not Icke'ng you but I think the term has relevance.
Where did Soros get his money?
I think golden dawn are the bad ones but I have barely scratched the surface on this.
I am sure its a shit show, you have that right. There is some organization from what I have gathered but not being part of it makes it very hard.. we are outsiders.