Nov 02, 2017 7:21:32 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No. 147681912
To those watching (you know who you are):
You have a choice to make.
You can stand up and do what you know to be right.
Or you can suffer the consequences of your previous actions.
Make no mistake, you are on the losing side.
The choice is yours.
If you decide to take down /pol/ and the net we will be ready.
4920-a 293883 zAj-1 0020192
Alice & Wonderland.
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:58 AM
To: Abedin, Huma
Cc: Hurlbut, Brandon Navin, Jeff >; Mcconnell, Charles
uuaa, Bonn (N t I
Subject: Here my draft
Dear Hillary,
A few meetings ago, we talked about how we — US companies and the USG - can help other countries develop
the shale oil and gas with hydraulic fracking in an environmentally responsible way. The responsible
development of these resources can change the energy and geo-political landscape in profound ways.
The DOE points of contact who can support State: