Anonymous ID: b76119 April 18, 2023, 3:36 p.m. No.18716526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6532



a precipice is a precipitous drop, along a road or trail, on a traveled way, that provides and excellent view on a clear day.

it's a dangerous location only if you wonder too close to it's edge, or if there are dangerous conditions, like highwinds or rain.

travel books often talk about them, horse carriages through the mountains, often traversed along side precipices.

They are scary if you have a fear of heights.

They are dangerous if you don't follow the trail and wonder too close to them, and they a very common on journeys; through the Alps; along a mountainous coast line; through a mountain range.

It's a place where if you're drunk or stoned and wistfully doing the 'oh, how dare you tell me where I can go' bit and get too close, on foot, you could end up falling off. Or if the ground is wet you could slip and tumble with no way back.


that's it.

it's not a metaphor except if the journey is a metaphor.

by the way 'smack your face into a precipice' is basically a meaningless statement.

the precipice is the void beyond the part where you would smack your face.

other wise known as a 'drop off', that's about the closest synonym I can think of without picking up a thesaurus.

now please hush, becuase you sound like you don't know common words.

Anonymous ID: b76119 April 18, 2023, 3:50 p.m. No.18716612   🗄️.is 🔗kun


all of this was predictible in Nov of 2020.

in fact I believe I explained it in a post.

they were never going to take a hit.

they just made a system with holes in it and let the spys do their dirty deeds.

and always had plausible deniability from the beginning.

if there were paper ballots, and the election was stolen, would you blame the paper company?

Fox got what they deserved today.

Anonymous ID: b76119 April 18, 2023, 4:01 p.m. No.18716662   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it doesn't discredit the election fraud story.

it discredits that hte company plotted it, as a feature of the purpose.

the company set up a system and

that system was easy to hack.

if you cell phone gets hacked, do you blame the cell phone manufacturer or the hacker?

usually people blame the hacker.

just because it wasn't done by the company that made those easy to hack machines, as their purpose, doesn't mean that the election wasn't stolen.