if you engage this one it's actually doing it's worship by conflict mongering.
if you engage this one it's actually doing it's worship by conflict mongering.
who would have thought that people who follow evil would come here to do their worship.
but they seem to be here in force.
bad people usurp all symbols and try to make them seem demonic.
everything, they will claim, that you like or admire, they will say 'oh, you like that, that means you are evil'.
but you're not.
the reformation of the system should be that people proxy a person who then becomes their agent in the legislature.
and that would keep fake elections from mattering because even though they stole the election, they would get none of the proxies from real voters which would be the thing that gives a legislator the ability to vote.
and so a legislator with a higher number of proxies would have a bigger voice and his vote would be worth more than say, someone who is obviously put in in a stolen election or in a district where it's all non voting foreigners nad non citizens.
there would be no use in stealing the electins, but because people who stole their offices wouldn't get any proxies, or much less than what the vote shows.
a reformation of voting.
the current system is broken also because of districts packed with non voting foreigners are worth the same as a district with all citizen voters. Isn't' that rather unfair?
details would need to be worked out.
do you notice that stuff is also quickly removed from the board?
the tyrants run this place now.
while I disagree with the censorship, your posts are rather . . . non sequitur.
seriously, the management of the board doesn't care.
they allow all kinds of mischief making and do nothing curtail the multi-device and spam posting monster baker, who is like the high priestess of mean and cringe.
just a note to those of us who are used to not being ruled by tyrannical children as BV's who delete stuff that, while it is annoying and stupid, isn't technically violating any rules: have two copies of the bread open. One that you refresh often, especially if there are shit-storms happening, and the other that you have to monitor what is being censored.
spiritualism and channeling open doors and let the demons in to speak through you.
or it's also used to cult groom people.
I've seen a lot of very damaged people who started out dabbling in the occult and fell further and further into darkness, but because they were inverted they thought it was light.
I witnesses a channeler once who pretended to speak about Roman times but I knew it was bunk because I know a bit about history and he never mentioned anything about Jesus or Christians. And there were a lot of them in those days.
Channeling is dangerous: either it is mocking , or it is cult grooming, or it is letting demons speak through you.