because he didn't kill them all then and put them out of their misery
hopefully its rapture to nowehereville
God, please come back and do it right this time.
who cares what the book says, God didn't write the book. the book is babel. any idiot can figure that out.
ok, you might be mistaken because the 4th dimension is simply time (sequential movement in 3D) you don't ascend into time. You already have it. Also, Jesus is dead (ascended to spirit realm and returned to God). And God posts here so he doesn't have to channel through a medium.
Spirit entities can be "ghosts in a machine", possession is a thing.
Yes, its really pretty simple, when you chose to help others and follow the basic message of Jesus or whomever, really, who says the same thing, God doesn't care about being worshipped just that you are a good person and will be blessed for using your God given freewill to a good end. Its not complicated.
>Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.
you all should be glad you're not this person.
It is exhausting. The plan for justice on earth is only just beginning. An enormous amount (billions of years) of intergalactic spiritual warfare had to be fought first. (God and his angels won)