would be funnier if he was still ordering the wrong food like ordering a whopper or a big mac
I could, just hate messing with others memes especially if they still have them open. More of a personal code of conduct as a meme fag not to step on toes too much creatively.
still think the wording is off but middle of the night insomnia is a bitch for the humor cannons sometimes.
this reminds me of when biden announced to russia all the things it should not attack.
I knew there was a joke there just could not figure out the structure of it.
was not aware Fox news mattered in that fight?
could you please inform anon why that matters as well as why you are a nigger?
Yeah no shit.
could I seethe any harder, perhaps. But why would I waste that on someone like yourself who I know is just going to puss out and commit suicide.
needs more sax.
the only place I know that song from is this movie. If he did actually play that, which not aware kek.
fucking hollywood. It's not exciting enough that the FBI are being criminals and getting ready to kill a bunch of children by burning them alive. let's include a musical number.
and to see how many of them are going to swing. Answer most of them.