"That was quite entertaining from someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy. And everyone knows it!"
"That was quite entertaining from someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy. And everyone knows it!"
-MTG leads with; "That was quite entertaining from someone that had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy. And everyone knows it!"
-Goldman Response, "Move to take her words down"
-"The Gentleman must state the words he objects to."
-Goldman, "Everything she said."
-No, you need to be more specific.
-"The accusations of an affair with the Chinese spy. Those are engaging in personalities, and the Gentlelady should not be allowed to speak anymore at this hearing." Goldman
-The latter part of that is not an appropriate part of this. We will evaluate the striking of those words.
-The Chair recognizes the Gentlelady from Georgia and asks if she would retract those words.
-MTG; "No I will not"
-Chair rules that those words will not be stricken from the record.
-Gentleman from Mississippi is recognized.
Transcribed it
The #FBI will join
to mark National Child Abuse Prevention Month with a live Twitter chat today at 2 p.m. EST to discuss the Bureau's role in protecting children and preventing online child sexual exploitation. #CAPM2023