Your daily Dave, eternally optimistic, infectiously enthusiastic.
Dunno how he does it but I don't care anymore. Let the world burn.
Your daily Dave, eternally optimistic, infectiously enthusiastic.
Dunno how he does it but I don't care anymore. Let the world burn.
> Like does anyone remember me from the last bread or does anyone remember anyone really?
We each get our 15 minutes of fame and then we fade into oblivion.
>huge party for all of the anons here to finally meet up in person.
Naw. I will just go my own way and hopefully forget all of what has happened.
>So, what happens if all the Women Arm themselves?
Blast those queerios through the bathroom door.
>The Patriots behind the GA vastly underestimated just how immoral half the citizenry had become.
Much still needs to happen to shock the populace out of its decadence. We can see that the cabal is flailing. Time is on our side.
>Democrats need illegal immigrants to clean their homes.
Let's just enslave them to clean our toilets and raise our kids.
Sounds good to me.
>Vaccines are about profit, not health.
They never worked either. The 1918 Spanish Flu was caused by so-called vaccines given to the military, which led to masking and bacterial pneumonia and (surprise, surprise) more vaccines.
Ship that poison out of here on the next moon mission.
Stay safe out there.
>Anon often wonders how we'll find each other.
Follow the smell. Sooorrry, couldn't resist.
Is Dr. Campbell fully red-pilled yet?
>In the middle of 'frame' I saw two nuclear blasts, very gray in nature, fully detonated with the developed stems and massive mushroom clouds.
Think logically. Uranium (or plutonium, etc.) emits radiation in the form of alpha (electrons), beta (helium nulcei) and gamma (high-frequency light).
How do you get an explosion from radioactivity (however much accelerated)? Not a trick question.
Relax, anon. Nukes are not real.
>they certainly have weaponry that can make it look so and devastating as much.
Correct. We had a pandemic without an actual virus. We can also have a nuclear war without actual nukes.
Fear does the job.
Cures exist. I think Q said something like that.