Yes, DJT is the first President of the JFK freedom party. He needed an entry to DC and chose the republicans, He was Right the RINOs are dumber and more easily manipulated than their democrat counterparts in the UNI-PARTY. After touring America he has become the champion of "WE THE PEOPLE" in 2015 Democrats had allowed 60,000 manufacturing facilities to close, By January 2017, the takeover of the American Information Technology Industry by H1B1 slaves was almost complete. RFK JR knows he has now truly put the target on his chest also, the criminal cabal hates him just as much as his father and Uncle John and Cousin John Jr.
Watching the pump up of that party balloon is not the real deal. Plus the stench from the oversize belly button the mangina group has is just as disgusting. twice a day douching is a must as well as big swabs to scrape out the cheese.
solfeggio frequencies
Teaching is a creative profession that should not be de-professionalized
>Americans understand Irony because of the education bill named "No Child Left Behind"
>No Child left behind drives conformity not learning
This man's TEDx Talk is a brilliant analysis of what is wrong with our schools
Cheapest form of salt and minerals to add to this cooked up feed granules. Just like Industrial Beer Mash