>>18724234 pb
good point
>>18724113 pb
yes! pics of it in NYTimes were fakes?
Done at astrologically significant moment.
It was some ritual
Wonder who died
>>18724234 pb
good point
>>18724113 pb
yes! pics of it in NYTimes were fakes?
Done at astrologically significant moment.
It was some ritual
Wonder who died
1% is a big fat lie.
If open source researchers know all theFOUL SHITdone by the Secret Police / who blackmailed themselves into power at the very beginning
AMD WHO NEVER SERVED THE PEOPLEhow is it the rank and file are unaware?
are they illiterate? Are they bumbling morons?
they never properly vetted anybody
and that's why we are FUCKED right now?
How did the vet Barry Obama?
creepy liars
Resign to save face.
both for themselves and for our Country
FBI dressed up to stage the J6; caught cold.
It's not about "knowledge from authority" here. Q-team have their own limitations.
We're pointed to thinks. That's it. We're not told.
We figure it out with open source, sound citations, logic, inference, and through the mean of our own experience.
Noble citizens have been working to unravel FBI crimes for EIGHTY years.
A lot has been accumulated.
Volumes of books could be written on the crimes of "our" Secret Police; An ocean of ink is maybe not enough to detail all the suffering that AGENCY has caused, both by inaction and action
covered up 9/11
covered up crimes and lies of the Bush Amin
that means all the dead Iraqui-s , dead American Soldiers, broken families, injured from chemical weapons used at the warโฆ
That's just one tiny piece of confetti compared to everything they have done.
All of it laid at their feet.
and if the info about them needs to be kept relatively secret for the sake of their families and descendants, so be it;
covering and arranging for the "shootings"
Killing MLK with help of Memphis Police
Covering up the killing of JFK, participating with the c'a
covering for child trafficing then trying to claim valor for busting a few.
running guns and drugs from south American
killing Gary Webb and Aaron Swartz
and this is just "off the top of my head" without digging too much into notes and records.
How come civilians could know all this and '99' percent "know nothing"
Wouldn't that at least be a dereliction of duty?
is that why you guys go out and murder, frame, arrest, shame and intimidate those who do your research work for you?
Just wondering.
Hid the fact Adolf was still alive in S. America
Still hiding Hunter Laptop while Biden and Barry, the pedo-duo attempt to start WW3?
they gotta be gutted
"good" people
oh right,
the road to hell is paved with "good intentions"
life the Good Germans
i'm sure
"We were just following orders. Wer really nice (foolish) people.
If you are that foolish, you should still be made to retire; if you won't step down.
The idea I haven't done anything is your false assumption.
anon has worked very hard; we all have - to expose you *s.
Many have died trying to expose you; Many FBI have killed those trying to expose them.
So yeah, a lot of the people you are blaming for "doing nothing" are dead now, because you killed them.
You might claim it's all a mirror.
If that helps your conscience, whatever.
Stepping down would be a better choice for your conscience than constantly blaming your whistle-blowers.
There's not enough jails for all the scum.
There's not enough honest judges.
SCOTUS itself is corrupt.
Nobody stopping Justice against the 1% except
mass media
republican party - Rhinos
Democrat Party - satanist pedos and bought off "let me get it while I can-ers" - anarchists. Drug addicts and smugglers
5 British foreign Press.
At J6 - the large group of good people - a very large group, were Trump Supporters
Some arrested and never got home.
You're assuption I'm a marxist is very false.
false charges based on nothing.
If the bulk of the alleged "good people" (like what? Like what Comey pretends to be?) who happen to be FBI agents are
suppose to be investigators.
don't know what the hell is going on all around them - even though it's all open source.
need to step down for dereliction of duty
They shouldn't be paid for being part of a group whogone marxist- communist / fascist and rapidly enabling the overthrow of our Bill of Right
"By the Book" you accused me of Marxism, when it appears that is the name most suited to the present day FBI ; which has been completely interpenetrated itself with the Democrat Party
As shown by public Court Records documentation and other various records.
What large crime against USA has the FBI NOT been involved with, in its history?
as far as child trafficking?
you made a few arrests for good show.
Where are the Epstein clients?
interesting; THANKs
didn't know that.
same bow-the-head and look-up gesture Diana had.
tucks the chin down, and looks up
many Black Americans, and Blacks from Africa who immigrated here, suspected or claimed to know already, that the FBI killed MLK.
they say, "We knew that a long time ago"
So they knew it, but 99% FBI didn't know it?
They're supposed to be investigators?