Can Anon make them for all of us so we can see how you do it?
It means they lack faith in the Almighty God of Abraham and are superstitious and believe they need a red string tied around their wrist to ward off evil spirits.
That's a reminder of Jesus Christ's faith in His Father, the Almighty God of Abraham and the work Jesus did in His Father's name. That is not worn to ward off evil spirits or any type of superstitious lucky charm mickey mouse bullshit.
Do they program you on repeat? You stick to one theme and spam the board. You should split it all up for variet and you'd seem less retarded. One poast about hooked nosed mongrels, one poast about i miss muh girl, one poast about how we are all going to die soon except for you, one poast in german gibberish, one poast about toots, one poast that says heh, one poast with a not dank NS meme with orange or bright green text, and so on and so forth.
ThanQ for poasting this.
Those fukken well meaning, friendly tards but weren't chosen for a reason.
No. The cross is what they did to Jesus and our reminder of the blood sacrifice of God's only begotten Son for our atonement. The devil is powerless and only has the ability to persuade those who are lost. Cross has nothing to do with superstition. God is the Truth, all else is an illusion. Superstition is an unfounded belief, it's also the belief in "magic" and "sorcery" and "witchcraft". God has nothing to do with that, neither does Jesus. There is only God and Jesus is the way we disperse the illusion of separation from Him. We are loved beyond measure.
And if you don't overstand this >>18724621 (me) then you have not found God yet. There is only God or the illusion of separation/fear. FEAR is why they use a red string, kmao. Holeee shit, the absolute state of humanity.
Not to mention the highest level of the illuminati system, the queen mother of darkness, which is the tippiest top of their magic and "connection" to lucifer, defected and states that because the joos rejected Jesus Christ as their Kang, Israel is still waiting for their kang and she says they plan on accepting [their] antichrist as their Kang. It's going to be a big show but apparently, it's all falling apart and their antichrist won't be able to perform miracles anymore, yet they're going to go thru with it and try to convince us anyway. There is only one God, The God of Abraham who gave His only begotten Son to atone us, the rest IS LIES.
The highest level of the illuminati defected and turned to Jesus Christ. She was raised in their lies and could see through it. This is the tippiest top of their witchcraft and demonology stating the way is only through Jesus Christ. She's trying to convert the other 4 mothers of darkness so she can "steal" satan's most valued generals. She says they don't want to convert because they will have to face the atrocities they committed and can't bring themselves to do it.
>>18724708 me
Jesus Christ infiltrated them.
I saw one bih's "pronouns" were she/they. Wtf??? these disconnected people write most of the articles we find online and newspapers, etc. None are God's people or speaking from a place of being lucid because they know God. The not knowing God = not wise and all that comes out from them misses the mark/truth.
Do they "love" each other? Love = God and they aren't allowed to connec with God. The devul wants NOTHING to do with love.
Well, they killed her son for speaking out. She is trying to get congress to listen to her testimony and she supports Trump. I don't see how she's helping them. Have you read her testimonies re frazzled rip? I'm not blindly following and do give room for doubt, but those are fear based thoughts and I know how to listen to God. There is no fear in God.
So blame God because she lost her job???? I am the one who survived out in nature chopping wood, cooking on coals, hauling my own water in 20 below temps during the winter, without running water or electric and I do not blame God. I blame myself for not having had the faith it required to allow God to bring me out of that situation. The problem is, people "believe" with their eyes after their eyes see it vs walking by faith. So, barking up the wrong tree with that "victim" shit. AND I rescued dogs, while I was surviving out there, too. I had extra love to share, even and not once turned on God. I had days where I lost faith but never because God did it. God has his hand out and been holding it there since he lent it to us but we have to reach out and accept.
>Despite their unswerving faith?
Sorry, but you do not know God and neither did these "unswerving faith" people. They DID NOT HAVE FAITH and were in fact with their eyes focused on the storm. What you described as
>Despite their unswerving faith?
is a flase premise that defies God's LAw. Many people think they're having faith but keep their eyes on God didnt answer me yet and woe me!!! God has forsaken us. NOPE. CANNOT HAPPEN. GOD NEVER LETS US DOWN and only MAN HAS THE ABILITY TO let their own selves down by not having faith. The people you describe had no faith but were in fear. It is God's LAW. FAITH CANNOT FAIL NEITHER CAN GOD otherwise faith would not work. (Not yelling.) It is ALWAYS and only ALWAYS man who lets himself down. THAT is God's LAW. And if I'da been there, I could have shown them the err of their ways. God's LAW is constant and never changing, it is a LAW. What you described defies God.
Same reason Moses never got into the Land of Milk and Honey.
Oh noes. I have unwavering faith faggot, you make excuses for God to fail or you would CLEARLY see what I say is the God Honest Truth. Once you know God, there's no way around it or excuses to be made for people's lack of Faith. Then they blame God or think they are unloved. Can you say LUCIFER?
Only fools LIMIT God. Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE for God. God has no hurdles or obstacles, only man can limit God by not having faith. Holeeee shit. The absolute state. Do you want to believe Jesus or your lack of faith that created an unanswered prayer because you limited God or felt unworthy? Wow. Shoot me, ifgaf.
I bet you believe in death, too.
If you saw children being skinned alive and brains eaten, you may be a superjesuser too, tho.
Man thinks, "Well, I can't do it nor can I figure out HOW and so that means it cannot be and I should not trust God to deliver because since I don't know how then it means God doesn't either and I will stay in fear vs believing all things are possible with God and to him who believes."
Drop dead faggot.