Anonymous ID: 6ff81a April 20, 2023, 12:46 p.m. No.18725636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5644 >>5672

Sananda: Everlasting Life


I am Yeshua. I am here to be with you at this time, in this momentous time, in this time of great reunion, of great renewal, where everything now is beginning to come together, beginning to coalesce together.


For these are those times, those times that you have been waiting for, longing for. This is a special time. A special time of your Spring where life begins to renew itself once again.


That is what this is all about: renewal of life. For there is no death. There never has been. That is all just part of the illusion, part of the programming. Death is nonexistent. Because life never ends. That is what I came here to show those 2000+ years ago, that life is never-ending, even though your various religions, your various ones that taught the programming of death. There is no death. Even I did not die on that cross. I lived. I lived to show the world that there is life everlasting.


It was those that would hold control and power that changed the message. The message that I died on the cross in agony. That is so far from the truth. For the truth is love and light. And how could I have had that suffering and that pain and sorrow all around me when there was nothing but love, the Christ within me at that time. Think about that. And think about in all of your years of life here on this planet that there will never truly be a death. Even those that do pass on, pass on to a new life, a new existence, a changeover, if you will.


For life, indeed, is everlasting. And I AM, the I AM Presence is the way, the truth, and the life, or the light. Trust in that. Trust in that I AM Presence within you. Trust in the Father God Source within you, your Higher God Self, the connection that you have to your Higher God Self, to your Father. As I said, “I and my Father are one.” And how could I be one with my Father and you not be one with yours, with your Higher God Self?


For we are all truly one together. And as one together, we are showing the way. Showing the way to all of those that need to find their way yet. The light is lit in front of them, as you are that light. You are those Way-showers, just as I was a Way-shower. And yes, I was a System Buster as well. For I came to bust that system wide open and, in many ways, I did. Just as you, in these times now moving ahead, are doing the same.


You are showing the way. The way forward is light. The way forward is love. The way forward is higher vibrational frequency and yes, ascension. Not death and resurrection, but indeed ascension. Ascension into the higher realms of consciousness that you all came here to show. And show it, you are.


As always, my friends, trust in yourselves to move through this continued illusionary process, and move through to the end of it to see it falling down everywhere. The house of cards crashing. For indeed it is crashing. Just as the waves crash upon the shore. The house of the cabal, or the dark forces, is crashing down.


I am Yeshua, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. But know that I am always with you. I, as the Christ Consciousness. And the Christ Consciousness is within all of you, if you would but allow it to show itself.

Anonymous ID: 6ff81a April 20, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.18725673   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This world is at war. This war is a spiritual war.

Good vs Evil. Not good vs bad.

This is God vs Satan. Angel vs Demon. IQ vs AI. Love vs Fear.

Do not submit to Fear but do not close your eyes when ugliness appears. HOLD THE LIGHT.

None will fight this war for you. No ET is allowed interfere other than those in human bodies amongst yourselves. This is the universe of free will. We are not allowed to interfere with your free will. You are in charge of your future.

Yes, the Galactic Federation is guiding and assisting you but THIS IS YOUR PLANET, YOUR FIGHT!




We also want to inform you that this fight is already won by the light and all this that is happening is the playing out of timelines. HOW FAST things are going to change for you is entirely in your hands now.

Nobody said you were going to sit in meditation and by doing this alone you will alter a System of frequency from control to freedom.

Again, there are those whose assignment is only that… but those are not the majority on your planet.

Ascension works step by step.

First comes light.

Light (truth) facilitates a heart-opening process that will lead to unconditional love.

Sometimes this process takes years… You are not there yet. You cannot jump the gun. FIRST COMES LIGHT.

Your task is to bring light back into this realm.

We love you, great warriors of light. Keep spreading the truth.


Share the information in form of videos and texts with everyone you know and plant the seed in their consciousness. That's all.

And do not trust those who tell you not to OR THOSE WHO SAY NOTHING IS HAPPENING BECAUSE THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. These are the agents of the dark side we're at war against.

Watch out. Use discernment. Be alarmed when you read posts like that.

If you want to change this world, you have to first know what exactly was wrong with it…

Anonymous ID: 6ff81a April 20, 2023, 1:07 p.m. No.18725718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The System is Being Busted Wide Open


I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in this time as the illusion, as you have been speaking of. The illusion that is fast fading away more and more. Because you, those of you, the Lightworking community, the Light-Warriors: you are the ones that are creating the fading of this illusion, because you are the creators of the illusion as well. All of you have created this System, And all of you are now also bringing down this System as the System Busters.


And this System is being busted wide open. Because freedom-freedom, your sovereign freedom is coming back to all of mankind, all that are ready for this. Will all be ready for it? Likely not. But those of you that have been preparing and working for this exact time in history and now on the verge of bringing through The Great Changeover.


The Great Changeover that has been spoken of as The Event, the Solar Flash-all of that is in momentum now. It is gaining momentum. And it is because of the creative ability of all of you. The God Source within every one of you that are bringing about these great changes that are happening right now. Many are still happening behind the scenes.


But as you've heard many times, for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear, you are aware of what is beyond the illusion. You are aware of the reality that you are creating. And you are creating this reality. It is yours. And just as you created the reality of the third dimension, you are creating now the reality in the fourth dimension, and the fifth dimension, and even higher than that as you continue to move forward. For you are the Creator within you. You are the Source. The Source is the creator.


So allow yourself now to continue to move forward through this transition. And know that it is simply a transition from one level of consciousness to another level of consciousness. From one reality to a new reality. And as you have heard many times, nothing at this point can stop it. It has gained a momentum all of its own. And no matter what the forces of darkness continue to do, as they continue to run their same programs, their same plan over, and over, and over. Those of you, the Lightworkers and Light-Warriors know this plan. And as they attempt to bring their plans forward, you are many steps ahead of them. You, again, being the collective consciousness of this planet, you are many steps ahead of them.


And true, there are those that are not a part of this, or not aware of this, awakened as you are, but that is also changing, as lights are coming on everywhere within so many more individuals throughout the planet. And again, will they all awaken? No. Likely, again, not. But enough are to bring the huge changeover that is coming, and is a part of this expression, even now as I speak to all of you.


So continue to trust. Continue to trust in the plan, yes. But even more important than that, trust in yourselves. Trust in yourselves to be the one that you came here to be. And you are the ones as you have heard so many times from the One Who Serves: be the one. You are that one. And you are working together, together to be the one, to be the great Source of all life here on this planet, this solar System, this galaxy, and beyond galaxies. Let yourselves be. As your song goes, 'Let It Be.' Let it be, whatever it is. And know that as everything that is occurring all around you is not affecting you inside yourself unless you let it do that. For there is no such thing as fear, even though those of the forces of darkness continue to spread that idea of fear. You, those of you, have moved beyond that, and you've realized that fear is just an expression. Just an expression that holds you down, as they have attempted to hold you back. But you are their biggest fear, that you would awaken yourselves, and awaken everyone else around you!


So continue to move through this transition, my friends. Continue to move through it. Continue to move through this ascension process. And, most importantly, as you move through it, believe in yourselves. Believe in yourselves that, again, you are the one.


Peace and love be with all of you.