KAG was Premature
Or else the definition of Great has changed like the Definition of Vaccine and Bio Agent
KAG was Premature
Or else the definition of Great has changed like the Definition of Vaccine and Bio Agent
What needs to happen then is coordinated acuse of Treason.
Everyone in america must stand up and accuse every motherfucker at every level of treason.
I wonder if this is where the 123's came from.
I know of 123's who murder
I know of 123's who test
I know of 123@mail.house.gov
I know of 123@mail.state.us
I know of 123@mail.senate.gov
testing 123. LIVE EXERCISE SimEx
hope it SPRING'S Comey or C o r n e y into a prision cell awaiting treason.
But hope ain't a plan.