anons who are on QR now are committed - here for to follow thru not just say 'hi Q'
true enough.
If every anon here were a staunchly anti-Hitler, the place would still be full of pro-Nazi arguments. Open boards attract shills.
Many posts are here to give a sense of historical context. But usually in response to current news items that make that history particularly relevant. Stuff on Hitler, Jews and Mason tend to spam, in that there's no news peg and it's just repetition of the same arguments over and over again, ad infinitum. Makes the board look like a bunch of yahoos or bigots. Sometimes the same shills who post Jew pics turn around and count up those posts up to prove their case. Imagine how they laugh at what sitting ducks we are.
Just pointing this out in case there are visitors around who'd like to know the score.
post count @664
post count @681
yes we can
this is