Wow. March Madness was so intense. April Showers is kickin' ass too. The Deep State sure is getting their ass kicked, huh?
she doesn't realize how deep in the cave of lies she is.
Hitler was actually the good guy.
Trump is actually the good guy.
The "good guys" in her world, are actually the bad guys, and they're accusing others of what THEY'RE doing.
This whole world is backwards and upside down. I have no idea how I managed to figure it out, but most people (normies) haven't, and they're waiting for CNN to tell them what to think.
wrong. I see the jewish shills have tricked your mind. It's easy to do that to dumb people.
whenever i see your shill meme, i filter. Like Jesus said, you'll know them by their fruits.
>Imagine being 'anon'
imagine thinking this place is an echo chamber and you have to carry normie beliefs. If you think the holocaust actually happened, then you're a boomer normie. OWNED.
nope, wrong. Owned.
durrrr but Q said hitler bad durrrr
"the vaccine is safe. Trump nor Q ever said it's unsafe. In fact, Trump brought it to market using Operation Warpseed. He took the vaccine and encouraged us to take the vaccine."
kek, you mad bruh? you mad? yeah you mad. owned, g-style.
Good question, YES. If you're not Aryan or Celtic or Slav, then you're simply not white.
No that's just dumb. Just know your place and serve the master race properly by staying out of our neighborhoods and schools. Clean our toilets and do our laundry.