The big secret.
[They] know how the universe really works.
Plasma, electrical, ect…
To hide the technology they were able to create, they keep everyone else in the dark (matter.)
With current theory, you can't build craft like they can.
The big secret.
[They] know how the universe really works.
Plasma, electrical, ect…
To hide the technology they were able to create, they keep everyone else in the dark (matter.)
With current theory, you can't build craft like they can.
"make a cut on you middle finger…"
Are engines angled certain directions to use for guidance?
Only fire when needed or not?
Not all required to push the rocket foward?
meme is illogical
Now looking at the larger context, it looks to be another floor to ceiling mural.
Possible someone standing in front of it.
Only ones standing are the waiters, cameramen, SS, ect…
But it looks like a waist apron is being worn.
>The 2008 financial sector called, they want their apocalyptically retarded "equitable" housing plans back.
Bankers: How many diferent ways can we cheat the system?
Let us count the ways.
So basically my questions were right, just not for the context I had in mind.
You just added correct context.
If you ever sent a post op tranny, you'd know why yout never seen post op tranny porn.