>where the Rule of Law
These "rules" & "laws" you mention…who laws? whos rulez are we talking about.
Anon has a prob with the WEF people all making comments re "rule of law", do they refer to the NWO "laws" & "rulez"?
>where the Rule of Law
These "rules" & "laws" you mention…who laws? whos rulez are we talking about.
Anon has a prob with the WEF people all making comments re "rule of law", do they refer to the NWO "laws" & "rulez"?
>they might run into problems now getting verified.
How will (they) verify all the BOTs?
I think that is Elons move. Real people may or maynot want to pay $8/mth.
If you ran a few 1000's bots x $8/mth, gonna be a big bill. So #BotsStop ?
>Once a year re-Twitter verification should be the way to go.
OTOH WTF does twitter need ANY verification?
What is "verification' anyhow? A photo+ID + something written on bit of paper? What is the point? Anon never understood the whole "verify yourself" thing, just seems to be BIG Brother stuff.
Stopping BOTS from running is another thing imho.
anon saw a quote from AB which was "I could shot someone on camera & get away with it".
And he did.
>To prove the acc is actually the person of which is named and imaged
that is my point, with a pic & id anon can be anyone. so can anyone, so what is point of "proof" if proves nothing?