Awakening is Happening
It’s an interesting phenomenon: Just a few years back, any mention of the term “5D” was only ever made by a small group of people who were seeing that a momentous shift into greater spiritual awakening was beginning to occur on the planet.
Nowadays, everyone’s throwing the term around. Even the most unlikely people are referring to this shift into 5D – like hardcore “truthers” reporting on political events in the world, and relatives and friends who haven’t ever been interested in spiritual phenomena before. It truly does seem that a global awakening is happening.
But what is really exciting is how those who have been spiritually awake for some time are now also experiencing new levels of awakening, as well. The 5D frequencies are definitely flooding the planet at this point, creating more and more opportunities to wake up more easily than ever before to the true nature of who we are.
You may be noticing this happening in your own life. Perhaps, even despite challenging events occurring, you are occasionally having experiences that reveal who you are on a deeper level than ever before. Or your understanding of your spiritual Essence is suddenly clearer than it’s ever been.
Maybe you’re having profound experiences in which you seem to temporarily pop into a higher reality and you’re experiencing yourself as a much more powerful, light-filled Being. And you’re yearning for them to last longer and to know how to have more of them.
All of these experiences are signs of the new awakening energy now present on the planet that is rapidly transforming every living Being in preparation for the shift into 5D.
And this energy is something you can more consciously tune into and take advantage of in your spiritual journey. If you pay attention to it and add your intention to shift more quickly into your higher 5D identity, you can find that you actually can do this more easily.
It’s true that very rapid spiritual evolution for everyone is happening anyway. No matter what you do or don’t do at this point, you are going to be transformed into a much higher version of yourself.
But how that transformation occurs — how rocky and painful or smooth and easy — that process turns out to be, can be determined by you, by how consciously you make that transition. You can become more awake to how your 5D Self is already beginning to make itself known to you and be alert to the ways in which this is happening.