the eclipse
marks some bad stuff
pray, we'll be fine
it's all about Barry and the bad things he did.
he runs Biden
loves when the focus is on Biden; since he's the one who makes the moves
the eclipse
marks some bad stuff
pray, we'll be fine
it's all about Barry and the bad things he did.
he runs Biden
loves when the focus is on Biden; since he's the one who makes the moves
the governor would appoint his replacement until a new election?
She may have been vying for the spot.
Definitely abandoned him and flew to Canada with the family.
fakenews didn't really mention how long she was gone, but took her word she visited once per week.
shill team; figures.
ISS is fake
make fun of dyslexics but object to speculation about Fetterman's wife; doesn't add up
go back to twit.
bourma head of WEF?
have it on tape (claimed it's faked, no it's not, it was leaked) where he states they met their goal, Halfing the world population.
It's done through the sterilization part.
Vaxx sheds, but there are remedies. If you are unaware of what's going on (hypnotized - mass psychosis - you deny even if you get very sick, or have people around you drop dead. If you have no idea you've been infected with it, you'll let it incubate.)
otherwise, there's cure.
must be caught in time.
lotta bad news coming out after the eclipse; it's all Barry. Fascists move fast. They have to.
berry suggetive.
doesn't really resemble his mom.
Or the alleged Dad.
I think bio-dad was Subud leader; his mom belonged to the cult and it was promoted by British Intel.
Might have been an Adolf breeding program; They need charisma, so used a cult leader (with some kind of Royal ancestry)
Barry's their secret weapon
remember the scar on his head?
They should've given him higher intelligence.
He's all poser and bluff
no way he did "Editor of Harvard Law"
ur right!
some "ancient world" goddess all look like men in drag.
minerva, can see it better in other statuary.
a number resemble men in drag
Minerva 's a warrior, carries weapons, helmet.
weird. is that a doorway?
had a friend who grew up Hutterite; could do everything.
there's no "we"
when communist take over it's planned for people to die
That's what happened in Russia and China for their 'revolutions' Teachers , City People were sent to the Countryside to be farmers.
they died.
Farmers need a group. Farmers can't survive by themselves.
doesn't help. Acting out.
better to find the remedies and spread them.
People who can't hear, let them be.
board doesn't go that route here.
not only a set-up to com like that; but it's a dead end for everybody should there be acting out.
That's what our enemies hope for and provoke.
acting out isn't going to bring anyone back. But knowing the remedies can save lives.
how did they create that mental illness?
Could some of it be through the increased number of mandated injections / vaccines started in '87?
Seems it was an outbreak among young people?
something spiritual too?; really strange?
We have a good system, it has to be protected.
"overthrow" is silly since the system we have (think of it like a tech) is good, but just mis-used.
So the crooks taken from power, but in jailBY LAWis the one and only answer.
and further.
The other thing you claim "overthrow" gets the board shut down and all of us thrown in the clinker soomer rather than later.
They will claim it even if we don't do anything.
Think j6
Enemies expects exact reaction you are giving.
as I wrote "provocateaur"
We are going to win, but it will be by the Rule of Law, only.
soros is a Hapsberg.
he worked for Nazi
"Jew"| is cover-story.
ever seen him go to shul?
also he plays a role.
Dad was NWO order guy
He's been Nazi NWO since childhood.
first stop out of Hungary?
Schwab is also a NAZi
Schwab also hides the fact his mother is a Jew - because he is also a NAZI
ps. Habsbergs are known to have insanity run in their family.
Our system was created perfect.
No way a better one could be founded now
Our Republic was already founded.
It's not the system, it's the crooks.
We have our perfect system, just have to jump-start it back.
"Clean the Kitchen"
Communists would love a kenetic fight, chaos would play right into their hands.
My relatives founded this Country, already fought that, We already won.
You remind me, unfortunately, of at J6 who tried to convince me to storm the Capital'
Turns out the guy was "oath keeper" who were FBI there?
unfortunately too many people fell for their BS
anon didn't take the injection either. Didn't fall for that BS either.
you need to read more.
you need to read his own official bio.
and look at the vid a little more closely; he admits it right there. He worked for NAZI. it's in his bio.
He claims to have walked out of Hungary over the border?
Lied about where he first landed; claims it was London.
No it wasn't. Switzerland. like Geneva.
what's MSD?
year ago, still hasn't happened.
anon knows the world lags behind in topical news.
But it's getting ridiculous.
Twice there were Notables around "NEWS" regarding 9/11 attack that was twenty years old.
Is "news" just intel Press Releases. Recycled from twenty years ago.
That's how bad, even anons?, are out of the loop?
yah, anon thinks so too.
also GRETA - who's been outed as from House of Rothschild.
(and been fake 'debunked' naturally) looks like Soros too
People need to be judged by their actions, rather than their label
He's never been a practicing Jews.
in fact, as admitted by his son he obscured. or hid, the connection (just as does NAZI Swartz)
(Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich – Forbidden Knowledge TV)
He killed jews as a young man, Brought notes to families telling them to go to the trains, and they would be safe.
That's a NAZI not a Jew.
If he was under threat (a "capo" type) he would said that in the TV interview to explain his actions; he did not.
Showed no, absolute, remorse.
He confiscated their property.
the TV interviewer asked him specifically about that, and he failed to deny.
He admitted
It's in his bio.
All his actions for the NWO - destroying the Bill of Rights and USA American, point to NAZI, not to Jew.
He hides behind the ID of "jew" if he ever uses it.
He resembles the Habsberg House, which is implicated (by director anon information) as active in Hollywood.
Who is behind the scenes with the money laundering in Hollywood. Do all those stars really get those large payments for films which fail?
Greta is also in the mould of NAZI. GREEN FASCISM, Little girl leads them. Adolf did that
Look at actions, not labels.
These ANTIFA leftist Progressive idiots believe anything.
They believe a black man could be a white supremacist racist (against black Americans). They believe men dressed up as woman, and maybe sugically altered, worked toward Woman's right; men can breast feed, menustrate.
What idiocy will these people refuse to believe?
They believe Rittenhouse shot Black men?
Nothing stops these idiots there is so much judicial and and mass media corruption.
The liberals on this are so arrogant, stubborn in their "thinking"
this attack gainst Jim, IS obvious.
attack Jim shill, while posting here, are cursed, there's no doubt.
Not my fault. No pity.