so they did not resist they just collected a paycheck.
sounds like a bunch of fucking cowards to me.
so they did not resist they just collected a paycheck.
sounds like a bunch of fucking cowards to me.
they should have quit and not violated the constitution with illegal orders that is what they should have done, But seeing as you have 33 posts where you chug a cock I think it is you who is getting that all natural semen injection.
As for me. I do what I can, but I for one am not being tasked with protecting the populace and enforcing illegal laws so that is a little above my pay grade you absolute twat.
Cops do help people but a majority are also spineless fucks that are criminal at best and they only concerned themselves with their own welfare. Not serving and protecting. Go ahead keep being a dumb nigger not my problem.
not really but considering you have no retort I will just pray your family dies today.
there was that video of the woman dragged off the bleechers at her kids sports game for example.
what about when they open fire on crowds does that not count. Even at peaceful demonstrations, I could understand if it happened in chicago but it does not there they just let the crime fester and the cops do nothing and part of it is also do to the justice system letting these people out so cops may be picking them up but they are back on the street by night fall so that would be attributed to the soros backed DA's but over all the cops choose what laws to enforce or ignore.
you first you fucking worthless faggot.
you rolled a 1. Critical Failure. Your prayer fails and your family still dies.
not against cops, against people who do not support the constitution and follow illegal orders and not question what they are ordered to do. Yes but sadly reading comprehension must be low these days. So not retarded why are they not protecting and upholding the oath they took when they became police. That is the question for all LE.
Your examples make sense, and it would be much harder to enforce a law in a large group vs a one on one where they can flex your power or get you away from a group and flex their power. Sometimes that can be good but with covid as a specific example globally the police did way more harm than good in protecting people.
Cops are only as effective as the power that people give them to be effective and even then they still have a choice that must be made in all situations. But you are also correct that many cops are scared to do anything again because of their job. They may not shoot a black suspect who is dangerous just because they know they are not protected either. So sit back do nothing attitude grows. I also think the shooting someone who is killing themselves not to stop them but to end them is also stupid. It is not an easy issue then you have to add in the lowered hiring practices of many police and don't even start on their symbolism. But I guess this is all just mad conjecture from an anon who has not been watching shit over the last few years fall to crap in our trusted institutions.
just read all the posts you wrote under this ID number and you did not agree with me. SO are you IP hoping with your conversations? Is that why it is so hard to keep track what bullshit you are spitting?
fair enough faggot. But then why defend them at all when almost all of their actions violate american laws . Not sure how other nations laws are centered around police and what powers they have in place like australia.
I am not, not in theory, but the question is a valid one why would people support and trust such a broken system filled with corrupt players.
SO cops are needed by not the current police we have at least not in their current form. Just because they are police does not mean automatic defense. It is similar to how the courts weigh the testimony of LE higher than an individual citizen because supposedly they are more trustworthy or something. It is those assumptions that need calling out.
I would expect that, but over the years gets anon into trouble expecting shit.
Give a good example of a good shooting. One was recent where the cop shot the guy attacking a woman with an axe on the street. Good job blow that guy away, that was to save a life. Or the time the cop shot the woman with a knife who was stabbing another woman. Those are perfect actions of saving life and not taking it. But cops are more afraid to pull their gun or pull the wrong weapon or not pull the tazer so this also does put them on edge to either act too soon or not soon enough. That is a problem also for them. But during covid times when they came in and shut places down and wrote tickets and beat people up in other nations, this is not just an american problem either. It is the culture of silence this blue shield all LE sit behind in their privileged position that is only given by the power of the people, if that trust is broken then they are no longer effective. Also in total agreement about body cams and stuff and also give the citizen an ability to document the cops. Too many cops are very very camera shy. Its not an easy conversation to have but if we are only looking at one side of the debate it or offer unconditional support for an institution it is why we are where we are.
misworded part of that but hopefully gist is made of course when they shoot someone else that is taking a life but the fuckers were asking for it when they were in the act of murdering someone else. Still waking up sorry.
who is this we?
I don't think you are being tone deaf personally do I live in an area with a lot of unregulated crime yup. I do think America has the best idea, better at least what we have on the table now, could it be better yes, but that also opens the door for corruption to happen again. But, we should try to save what we can but also be prepared to let go of ideas that no longer work. The systems are already destabilized with out anons help or not. It is like walking into a game of Jenga with only a few moves to make and the tower is already collapsing. It is doing it to itself with out anons assistance.
I think this conversation needs to continue off and on not necessarily now though, but it is by not questioning these things also that gets people into trouble and sometimes letting a convo die is good and sometimes its just as needed to toss all ideas out there. No one stops anons from lurking least of all anons saying edgy shit.
why are you still talking about it? Thought you were going back to lurking.
just curious, this anon is equally as tarded if not more so.