When's something going to happen? So very tired.
FUCK TWITTER, my nigga
nazis were the good guys.
holy. fuck.
if you converted the sub-layer checkmark into binary does it add up to denominations of 17? That'd be crazy!
AI art is creepy. And I don't mean that shitty, early-version AI art. I mean the better shit where it looks real.
There's just something off about it. It's off-putting. I'm seeing it more on youtube thumbnails.
the jews are rubbing their hands together so hard right now, just aching to release them into US.
The CIA's mind-control program is still active. They program people to carry out mass shootings. Virtually all mass shootings, especially ones covered by MSM, are carried out by a mind-control victim.
My question is, why is the jewish CIA deploying left-wing mind-control victims now? I mean, that tranny, that soyboy? wtf is going on?
I think I hate reddit more than any website on the internet. It's designed to create left-wing echo chambers, and if you step outta line, the mods will ban you.
all the liberals there have an arrogance because they assume their opinions are correct, but everything they believe is just lies fed to them about the msm and jews.
i know it's old but today i just saw that "mask" video of biden, where he's picking at the edge of mask on the back of his neck. Fuck that was creepy.
what makes the mask thing even more credible is how fast the jewish media IMMEDIATELY "fact checked" such a wacky theory. Why? why not just ignore it? Why are the jews so threatened by a mask conspiracy theory?
i still think Hussein is some sort of Satanic entity and will have a large role to play in End Times. I forget the details but remember in the 2000s, there was lots of research about him and TONS of weird satanic coincidences.
i ain't clickin' dat shit, nigga
I'm reading the Gospels. I just started Book of Luke.
Didn't realize how incredibly jewish it all is. I'm conflicted, because I know how evil the jews are.
not even surprised, don't even care anymore.
There's nothing left to save.
Q, you waited too long. We are defeated.
could you fucking imagine if the normies finally realized that jews did 9/11?
distraction shill detected and filtered. Everyone filter ID: 1c21c7
HHAHAHHAHAHA i just triggered this boomer shill SO HARD. look at him seethe. Seethe, baby, seethe.
there's one part where a gentile tries to get healed by jesus, but jesus only heals jews and keeps walkiong. but the gentile said something like, "even dogs eat the scraps off of Master's table" and jesus turned and said, "your faith is strong, be healed, gentile."
and i was like, wtf?
holy fuck you're dumb KEK. you just played yourself, g-style.
holy fuck, that was real?!?!?!?!?
i can tell you're over 40 judging by how easy i can trigged (you)s out of you. Now be a good cuck and give me another (you), that's it, cuck, good boy.
So does Durham actually do anything? What about Bill Barr?
>canยดt find the answer why anons like to get (you)s from baker
flexing your "rank" as baker. Wow. don't you know we don't believe in rank around here? you're in it for the upvotes and likes, huh? "verily, he has had his reward"
nothing can go past the firmament.
you so triggered. you still mad, bruh?
audible kek.
how the fuck do you "pretend to be anon", shill?
Listen, Q is real and the Great Awakening is coming. YOU CANNOT STOP WHAT IS COMING, FAGGOT.
i'm not jumping through hoops for you, homo. you still mad that i've been owning you all bread? yeah you mad. KEK.
KEK who cares about baker (you)s though? for real.
he's making fun of you, idiot. KMAO.
how did you learn "kek", shill? Did you learn that in the classroom at FBI headquarters? yeah, thought so. OWNED.
i did know, i just don't jump through hoops for shills. We know you glow, shill.
Why do we think the hitman icon was "underneath" Hillary Clinton's blue check? What if Elon's team temporarily replaced her check with a hitman icon before removing it? Y'know, 'cause of how Hillary Clinton orders hits all the time?