"if I don't get chocolate syrup on my sundae people are going to die"
Fox News’ $787.5 Million Settlement Is a Windfall for Dominion and Chills Free Speech
Fox Corp agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems over $787 million on Tuesday, half of the $1.6 billion that Dominion was seeking, to settle a defamation lawsuit over claims that their electronic voting machines rigged the 2020 presidential election. The trial was averted by the settlement at the last moment as the jury had been seated in the courtroom and prevented top Fox TV hosts and network boss Rupert Murdoch from publicly testifying. In contrast, Democrats were not sued in past years for similar claims that electronic voting machines could be hacked and manipulated. The settlement has a chilling effect on Free Speech.
Critic Miles Mathis claims that the trial was “faked” because Fox News would not pay almost $800 million AND admit that it lied. The purpose of settling is to avoid admitting guilt and the terms of settlements are kept private. He wrote that the settlement “fits the definition of fake news, managed by both sides here to make Dominion look innocent, give legitimacy to a voting system no one believes in anymore, and scare everyone else off from criticizing Dominion.”
Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm run by “veterans of The Carlyle Group”, bought a 76% stake in Dominion Voting Systems for only $38 million in 2018 is cashing in massively on Dominion’s $787 million settlement with Fox News.
New Study: Mask-Related Symptoms May Have Been Misinterpreted as ‘Long COVID’
A new study published in Frontiers medical journal states that symptoms from wearing masks, including respiratory illnesses and other ailments, may have been misinterpreted as ‘long COVID’. Green Med Info added that it is also possible that mRNA-jab induced adverse effects have been misindentified as “Long Covid” symptoms, but it has not been studied.
UMU/ Unicoin International Settlement CBDC Introduced at the 2023 IMF Meeting
The the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced the launch of a new international central bank digital currency (CBDC), Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), also known as Unicoin. It is purportedly being launched to “protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.” Merchants and trading partners will be able to accept UMU as a form of payment for their goods and services priced in any national legal tender. While UMU was launched at the IMF Spring Meetings, it was not specifically launched by the IMF.
Germany Closes Its Last Nuclear Power Plants – Electricity Bills To Spike Up To 45%
There is widespread effort by establishment elites to shut down nuclear power plants, one of the cleanest forms of energy from the standpoint of carbon emissions. Germany, already in the midst of an energy shortfall due to the loss of natural gas supplies from Russia, has now closed its last three operational nuclear power plants this past week, leaving the nation poised for high prices and a potential crisis as sources of electricity disappear. Conflicting green policies clear the way for very inefficient wind and solar power farms, but it also allows for a global political power grab on an unprecedented scale.
"Y head"
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: CJqu8oIu No.150424047 📁
Nov 21 2017 23:52:02 (EST)
Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).
Which performers/celebs supported HRC during the election?
Who performed during her rallies?
What jewelry and/or tattoos present?
What other events do they attend together?
What does HRC represent to them?
What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?
What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?
What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?
What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?
Why are they worn/shown openly?
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
MSM role?
Push conspiracy theory.
Social media role?
Push conspiracy theory and institute new rules allowing for ban.
The graphic is key.
Re-read graphic (ex: what family did Soros replace (Y)).
Part II – How were they ‘adopted’ into the cult (as children).
What were they provided for obeying and staying silent (brainwashed)?
All that you know to be right is wrong.
The ‘cult’ runs the world.
Fantasy land.
The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).
20% public.
80% private.
The world would otherwise collapse.
40,000ft. v. (again) and need to decrease altitude to avoid ‘conspiracy’ label.
Was necessary.
For God & Country.
>What does HRC represent to them?
>What celebrities have owl / Y head symbols?
>What politicians have owl / Y head symbols?
>What powerful people have owl / Y head symbols?
>What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?
>Why are they worn/shown openly?
>Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.