Anonymous ID: f44888 April 21, 2023, 9:19 a.m. No.18729877   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sucks that had to habben anon, sold a K of Ag for a med payment however grateful that I can and wut it for

Most peeps can't lay hands on $500 for an emergency


For your sake I hope it does

Good luck

Anonymous ID: f44888 April 21, 2023, 9:28 a.m. No.18729922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0024 >>0109 >>0209 >>0379 >>0452

>>18729406 lb


PlaneFag Ramstein AFB muh Ukraine meeting over: JCOS Milley and WH NSO ACs NATO rats leaving.. Sec. of Defense also there too and could be on one of those 2 SAM flights but I noe Milley uses SAM585 (#02-0042) for sure


SAM585 C-40B and SAM694 C-40B WH NSO usually but could be Austin-green dot in Cap#3 left ahead of Milley in 585 plus Dutch, Canadian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Polish, Lithuania, Czech, Hungarian, French, Swedish representatives departed


SPAR83 NATO G5 arrived at Chievres AB from Ramstein depart


RCH4549 C-17 Globemaster departed with equipment


Ukraine presses for weapons as U.S. and allies meet in Germany


AE6851 US Navy P-8 Poseidon left Hanover and over Baltic Sea heading NE


CNV6420 US navy Metro 26B departed Rzsesow after a quickie stop and went to Krakow >>18729584 lb red dot

Anonymous ID: f44888 April 21, 2023, 9:48 a.m. No.18730034   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Or is this what manipulation looks like?

that pattern is decades old

They wittle it down in the low volume overnight session and then once the NYMEX opens up it's lights out-sometimes they wait a few hours but it's almost always in those grey areas on the charts-the big drops

Track the daily contracts here

1 contract=5k ozs

Anonymous ID: f44888 April 21, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.18730129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0175 >>0379 >>0452

>>18729529 lb Day Traders Lose $358,000 Per Day Gambling on Zero-Day Options (0DTE)


The VIX Is Dead, Long Live The 0DTE VIX


Trading in zero-day-to-expiry contracts continues to dominate the options market, leaving the VIX unreflective of underlying market risks. Since the VIX is calculated using derivatives that expire 23 to 27 days into the future, the thinking is that it has been struggling to capture this near-term sentiment, which largely emerged last year when the introduction of new expiration days fomented the boom.


Put simply: In the age of 0DTE, Wall Street may need a new fear gauge. Enter the one-day VIX. “This makes sense because so much of the volume has moved to shorter tenors,” said Amy Wu Silverman, head of derivatives strategy at RBC Capital Markets. “I’ve been joking that the VIX is going through a mid-life crisis, being replaced by someone younger (shorter dates).”


Next week, the CBOE will launch a One-Day VIX that will give market watchers a much fuller picture of risks in the equity market. For those who don’t want to wait that long, here’s a back-of-the-envelope calculation of just how much more risk traders see in the market than captured by the conventional method. We’ll have to make some simplifications, and this isn’t a means of front-running the CBOE 1-Day Volatility Index. We’re only using ATM options, so this doesn’t include any information on skew, but it shows the overall picture: ~0DTE vol has been structurally rising versus the VIX. Following only the VIX in recent months would be like watching a duck serenely swimming on a pond, unaware of the “zero-day” legs frantically swimming under the water.


A glance at MOSO (Most Active Options Page on Bloomberg) shows that very often the top-traded option contracts expire that day. There is ongoing debate in markets whether these duck legs are inherently destabilizing. No margin needs to be posted for zero-day options, so it is easy to increase leverage.


Overnight risk has probably increased as 0DTEs are being used to hedge.


Also, risk-taking will likely rise to maintain profitability as more people start executing similar 0DTE strategies. So while 0DTE trading may not be an immediate market risk, there are enough concerns to make it essential to add the one-day VIX to your screens next week.


The FRB used to smash the VIX every time it got too high-yes they have a trading desk in several of it's branches even though they seldom talk about it-cap#3 is a screen shot from the NYFRB one quite a while ago so tech has certainly increased since that was taken


from July 2012 cap#4 is the 'result' of that switch of head of markets group

The Federal Reserve and the VIX Index

NY Fed names Potter as head of markets group


The Federal Reserve Bank of New York named Simon Potter, an internal director of economic research, as the new head of its division that conducts monetary policy in the marketplace for the U.S. central bank. Potter, 51, starts as head of the New York Fed’s markets group on June 30, replacing Brian Sack, 41, whose resignation was announced in April. The markets group deals directly with Wall Street and foreign central banks, carrying out Fed actions in the open market. Potter will oversee the extension of so-called Operation Twist, unveiled on Wednesday, in which the Fed sells short-term bonds and replaces them with longer-term ones in an effort to lower borrowing costs. Potter, who is now the co-head of research and statistics at the New York Fed, will also manage the Fed’s System Open Market Account (SOMA).

Anonymous ID: f44888 April 21, 2023, 10:13 a.m. No.18730164   🗄️.is 🔗kun


this will eventually happen to every country and it's commodities/natural resources

So all those outside the US mining shares you may own will be totally worthless.

Hardly blame them too