It's going to be so based when the law is passed and inspectors visit rental houses and apartments and set "rent caps." It will keep the scummy landlords and slumlords from raping their tenants like they do. Landlords are one of the filthiest and lowest life forms on our planet. I hope they have to backpay excessive rent to their tenants as well. Shit is out of control and landlords are just taking advantage of people, renting these tiny assed apartments for 800 a month when they should be 250 to 350. It's passed the house already, easy. Now the Senate will vote on it next week.
Dafaq is this gay faggot shit doin here???
Yeah. It looks like faggot star trek shit that shouldn't be here. That shit is for faggots that are still virgin and living in mom's basement with a cat and shit. They never grew up or sumptin.
Why? Are you a landlord, or a trekkie?
Well now, it seems we've established you're either a trekki, or you just have a fetish for gay male actors. Honestly, I suspect a little of each. You and only you had something against my post about the new bill that will fix the rental market, so I'd suspect you're an inner city slum lord as well. No other reason you'd take such offense and act like a sophmore dyke in Birkenstocks.
I'm usually dead on accurate with my assessments, however, we'll not get a reply from you, I am certain. You've already proven to be a dishonest person and not anon.
Hmm. I do not think so. I can feel it in me nipples I done hit the nail on the head once again.
Projection? I fear you do not understand the context of the word you're attempting to use to impune my character.
It's evening in my country. Your projection and accusations of projection are amusing to me. I haven't a clue. I simply love watching simple minds work.