Something strange going on with that one. He's either hyped, scared to death, or just crazy insane. One thing for sure, that is NOT normal behavior for someone who's use to being on camera.
I would love to help but I seriously am afraid I'd screw something up totally and there would be a thousand anons out for my blood.
Postponed with no apparent date/time set yet.
Have you read it? If not, how do you know?
No, he only admitted that he believed the messages he received were from God, but couldn't guarantee the accuracy. Many of those "fantastical claims" though have actually been witnessed coming to fruition, especially concerning President Trump being elected and since he took office.
I can't speak of the scrolls with regard to the Hammadi library. I'm not familiar with that collection. But there are a couple of digital libraries you can easily find online. I don't think they're being hidden from us as they have in fact been used to verify the Bible many times.
KEK.. that and a PC that needs an expert to make it stop shutting down on a whim. Perhaps when I get it fixed, I'll check out the training manual.
I don't believe that. For one thing, such a journey would have been mentioned by other disciples. For another, Jesus didn't travel anywhere to learn, he traveled to teach.
Weird indeed. He starts out okay, but then all of a sudden he goes into "I'm freaking out" mode and he seriously looks like he's about to start crying.
Jesus did not come to deliver God's message to the gentiles. He came to deliver it to God's chosen. To claim otherwise is to claim that the whole Bible is a lie just to inject this misdirection.
NOTE TO OUR PLANEFAGS - I don't understand at all what you do, but I sure am glad y'all are here and doing it. Thank you!
I don't have enough faith to be a disbeliever. Science is man made and man is a deceiver.
What's this "we" shit? Stop trying to sound like you're a member of the Q team. KEK
Censorship on 8chan? Say it ain't so.
I can guarantee nature would survive without science. Just look a all the ways that science has created to kill of mankind and every other form of nature on earth.. up to and including the earth itself.
Jesus was Jewish smh