hi guise
swamp thinking 'how to control Anons' and 'if can't control Anons how build something like Anons'
swamp wondering 'how do they avoid our narrative traps' and 'how do they dig so fast'
msm realizing the game is changed, the old ways are done; none know this game when a new opponent appears like none ever before in History: crazy Anons
if Anons focus they can move the People
swamp wants that power too and wonders how to build it
how do you build volunteers, [they] try to simulate thru slavery
a facet of the struggle in Life of GOOD vs evil
some say it ain't so black and white
the grey stuff is entertaining but its important to get the black and white stuff correct or the contrast is off kek
a new game that none have played yet so the advantage is null, yet [they] have exp; (You) have Truth
thank you Anons