12/23/17 (Sat) 01:40:00 11f98c
"“The DIA report represented inconvenient facts that threatened President Obama’s North Korea “strategic patience” policy – a policy to do nothing about North Korea and kick this problem down the road to the next president.”
Hmmm “down the road” sounds familiar. Wonder who said it?"
not much has been said about her running mate.
Hillary's job was to start WW3 with Russia resulting in the destruction of the United States with nuclear weapons. Ukraine failed. Syria failed. NK was the next option for the cabal.
SpaceX receives worldwide subsidies. HRC/Obama curtailed NASA and diverted funds and leaked US security tech to the cabal; ostensibly to militarize space and hold the world hostage. ‘Falcon Heavy,’ ‘Saturn 5.’
12/23/17 (Sat) 01:32:47 7cda9d
Q posts missing letter "i" are markers?
Space-X launched Soros satellite to cover NK with communications ability. Iridium Communications corp's satellites are usually GPS satellites. The military uses a special encryption mechanism to lock out the high-accuracy GPS ability. The U.N. that maintains a presence on the border with South Korea. They also have a lot of military activity going on in NK that has no financial explanation, as it can't be coming from their domestic economy or known international trade.
Iridium Communications
Former CEO of Alphabet (Google) Schmidt also bought Motorola who built the Iridium 7 satellites.
Lacking the "i"? The intelligence? Who was in control of the rocket?
The good guys can control the missiles.